Skver Dayan of Montreal Injured in Major Accident

staroflife1.gifThe Skver Dayan of Montreal (Rav Wosner Shlita) was injured when the vehicle he was travelling in overturned early Monday morning on the NY State Thruway.

Sources tell YWN that approximately 4:00AM, the vehicle travelling North on Interstate 87 overturned (for reasons unknown) in Saratoga, NY – leaving the minivan totally destroyed. Rav Wosner was returning from a Chasunah in NY to Montreal.

There were a total of 5 people injured in the accident, they were all transported to a local hospital, and all are Boruch Hashem reportedly in stable condition.

(Dov Gordon – YWN / Lipas-YWN)

10 Responses

  1. Wake up Klall Yisroel take out your Tehillims and start Davening Hashem is sending us a clear message lets not waste time, Hashem wants our Tefilos!!!

  2. With all due respect (and with sincere tefillos that the Rav shlita should have a refua shelaima), I was once told that when saying tehillim and davening for a choleh we don’t add “harav”. All yiden appear before Hashem as who they are ben their mother – as if newborn…

  3. to #9 there is a insruction book where its outlined what hashem wants from us its called ‘shulchen urech’. now its to much to go thru for lymen lik,e us (me), but there is a shortened version by hagoan hatzaddik hakadosh slomo ganzfried (talmud of the holy chasam soifer)its called ‘kitzur shulchen urech’. go thru it and see which halachos pertain to you and youll know what else hashem wants from us

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