LEVAYA PHOTOS – Tragic Petira of 16-Year-Old Eliyahu Goldworm Z”L

candle5.gifUPDATE 2:21AM EST: (LEVAYA PHOTOS BELOW) YWN regrets to inform you of the tragic Petira just moments ago (2:02AM EST) of 16-year-old Eliyahu Goldworm Z”L of Boro Park, who was R”L hit by a vehicle on Sunday night in Lakewood NJ.

Lakewood Hatzolah Paramedics had found Eliyahu to be in traumatic arrest upon their arrival at the scene of the accident, and managed to get his heart beating again. Hatzolah then transported him to Jersey Shore Trauma Center, where doctors attempted to save his life. He was placed on life support as family members from Brooklyn were rushed on moments notice by Misaskim Units of Lakewood and NYC to his bedside. Klal Yisroel recited Tehillim on his behalf, but unfortunately there was nothing doctors were able to do, and he was Niftar just after 2:00AM.

Eliyahu was a Talmid (student) in Lakewood Mesivta on Kennedy Boulevard, and is the son of Reb Yisroel Goldworm Shlita, a former Rosh Yeshiva at Meor Hatalmud in Boro Park.

UPDATE 3:00AM: Volunteers from Misaskim of Lakewood and NYC are working to ensure that the Levaya takes place on the following schedule: In Boro Park at 9:30AM in Yeshiva Meor Hatalmud 1369 39th Street, and in the Lakewood Mesivta (on Kennedy Boulevard, Lakewood NJ) at 1:00PM. [Any changes in the schedule will be posted as they become available.]

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos of the Levaya.

(Original Posting) 7:20PM EST: Lakewood Hatzolah is on the scene with a pedestrian struck by an auto at Cedarview and Countyline Road. The patient is reportedly in traumatic arrest, and units are requesting the responding paramedic units to expedite their response.

UPDATE 10:35PM EST: The public is requested to please be Mispallel for 16-year-old Eliyahu ben Chaya Gittle who is in grave condition.

(YWN-101 / YWN Lakewood News Team)

38 Responses

  1. reflectors reflecrtors reflectors reflectors how many times does it have to be drilled into our heads why does it take a tragedy like this to remind us that drivers can not see you at night even if u can see them

  2. I’m assuming that 3&4 were at the scene and know that the person struck was not wearing reflectors but what I don’t understand is how that is all they can say at a time of a tragedy when family and friends rather hear berachot and good wishes….

  3. # 5

    Yes, I was by the scene. Nobody likes to hear these stories, but the only thing we can do now is daven and learn from the story.

    Theres nothing wrong with letting everyone know what they can do to try and prevent these tragedies from happening again rc’l.


  5. The boys name is Eliyahu ben Chaya Gittel please say tehillam for him he is in critical critical condition and needs everyone’s teffilos

  6. 4,

    I should point out that EVEN with reflectors it is still VERY HARD to see the people who are wearing them.

    People need to realize that.

  7. We do not know the facts and it’s irrelveant at this time. What we all agree is that everyone MUST wear a reflector. In Monsey there are takanos about wearing reflectors. There was also a company last year that gave FREE reflectors out to the community and many people did not take advantage of something that can save a life. Sometimes I wonder if people care about life.

    Now for the drivers. PLEASE, I PLEAD AND BEG ALL OF YOU TO PLEASE GET OFF YOUR CELL PHONES WHILE DRIVING. Talk on a hands fre and preferbaly do not talk at all while driving unless your on an EMERGANCY PHONE CALL with 911 or a doctor. An emergancy means 911 not talking to your spouse and reminding them that you will be home in 10 minutes or asking your spouse what to buy at the grocery store.

    And do not speed. I see many people going 20 miles over the limit and it’s a miracle that there aren’t more accidents of this sort with the way people drive.

    We should only hear good news and may this person in this story have a speedy and full recovery.

  8. So much Kol Koires being signed and released by rabbis, a Kol Koirah regarding reflectors must be their next step!
    Vnishmartem moid es nafshosaychem… people should watch more while drivinig, specially at night.

  9. BDE! Mi Sheamar Leolamo Dei… Is this Rabbi Goldwurm the son in law of Rabbi Yankel Schweitzer from Yeshiva TV and Rebbitzen Schweitzer from BY?

  10. Boruch Dayan Emes!
    The safety issues made by 10,12,14 each point out how we as individuals living in an ‘unsafe’ environment of not enough lights to shed light on the street and no sidewalks which make pedestrians walk on the street – need to petition our newly elected officials in town to direct tax monies toward the safety of its’ residents with mandatory sidewalks as well as extra lighting. It is known that the streets are way too dark and unsafe for pedestrians – but without public outcry, things stay the same. Petitions with signatures shows the city that we CARE about the safety of everyone!

  11. 9:34,yes, these are the parents. What a loss to klal yisroel, and to the family. May Ha-Shem be menachem them, and may they know of no more tzaar

  12. While we are in the discussion of road safety, the hitchhiking going on by bachurim in Lakewood is a tragedy waiting to happen R”L.
    How many times do we drive at night in the dark and bochurim suddenly appear looking for a ride? Or how about guys who stop right on route 9 to pick or drop off bachurim.
    I think:
    #1, NOBODY should pick up hitchers from the side of the road.
    #2, the yeshivos should assur the bochurim from hitchhiking, with a serious penalty.
    We are about talking plain poshut p’kuach nefoshois! (not to mention the chillul hashem!)

  13. This boy is an einikle of R’ Heshel Goldwurm Z”l who started the Gemarah project at ArtScroll (he also passed away at a young age). What a tragedy! May this chashuvah family never know from Tzar.

  14. I wonder if the fools expulging their idiocies thought for one second that a neshoma in klal yisroel just got snuffed out. Where do you get off stating statements such as i told you so or you should have listened when such a tragedy has befallen us. You wanna give mussar about the dangers and risks of night walking/driving do it when the grief has settled. For now take a moment tpo think about what happened and how you would feel about someone saying these things if it was your son!!!

  15. Did the driver of the vehicle get caught? Do they know whose vehicle ht the boy?Lessons in safety and mussar must be learned from tyis.In his z’chus the yeshiva should institute a special learning session daily in mussar and mishnayos in his memory.ברוך דין האמת
    המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלם

  16. Sorry…I think the comment was sent unfinished by mistake……What goes on with the hitchhiking & dark clad bochurim and yungeleit darting out into the streets at night in Lakewood is a travesty. It has to be stopped once and for all!! Bochurim are buzzing around in middle of busy roads in total darkness at crazy hours. Pull up to Central & 9 (one of Lakewoods busiest intersections now) at 9:30 or 10:00 PM. Buses pull up and bunches of bochurim disembark and head right for the middle of the intersction (yes, between traffic lanes!!) to hitch in 4 different directions. The boys do it because the yeshivos do not want to spend some more getting an additional bus. The boys don’t want to rattle around Lakewood on the bus for an hour after a long day. So, what to do? Treat it as a life and death question. Enough is enough. Wear reflectors! Stop the dangerous hitching! And to the Yeshivos: Yes, get another bus and keep the bochurim on it until they are home safely! Sorry for venting like this…it just hurts so much….Oif simchos.

  17. After all the “hockerei”, does anyone know where the bereaved family is sitting shiva, so people can be menachem ovel them?

    How about leaving out all the evil slander & silly speculations, so as not to cause additional pain to the family who is already dealing with such a terrible calamity r”l?

    The mark of our people is: “baishonim, rachamonim, gomlei chasodim”, NOT “always being politically correct”. I must say, sadly, that the content & style of a lot of these comments are the way goyim would react in such a situation – pointing fingers of blame, followed by all kinds of sage advice on how to avoid similar tragedies in the future. The idea of stressing public safety is a very good thing. But perhaps not before showing some very real “nosei b’ol im chaveiro” with the bereaved family.

    In my family we unfortunately also lived through a tragedy a number of years ago, of a young person who was niftar very tragically. It is unbelievable that some people, who supposedly belong to the am hatorah, would react in ways that caused the aveilim such unspeakable pain & grief. One person called one of the aveilim (a close relative of mine) to his cellphone ANONYMOUSLY, to tell him that this tzoroh came to him because of such & such thing that he did awhile before, a story which itself was the cause of much controversy. Then on erev yom kippur the anonimity was broken, when the caller called desperately to ask mechila. If you think such things are isolated incidents, unfortunately during that time our family learned that they are not. If the yeshivos could have a dollar for every stupid, insensitive comment made at bais aveilim, there woul;d probably be a much smaller need for fundraising.

  18. if you go to the left side of the page under “coffee room” there are a bunch of choices so daastorahwtchdog if u click on nichum availim it will say where they are sitting shiva

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