Coach Bus Packed With Orthodox Jews Crashes En-Route to Canada

busmva.jpgNY State Police from the Thruway are investigating an accident between a coach-bus and a tractor-trailer early this morning in Greene County.

Troopers said the tractor trailer was trying to make an illegal U-turn at about 3:15 a.m. when the trailer was struck by a northbound bus driven by a Brooklyn resident.

Nine people – including the driver and passenger of the tractor-trailer, the driver of the bus, and six of the bus passengers – were taken to Albany Medical Center with minor injuries.

The driver of the tractor-trailer was ticketed on a charge of making an illegal U-turn.

The accident happened at mile marker 127.5 in the town of New Baltimore on the NYS Thruway (Interstate 87).

Heiman’s Bus Company makes a daily trips between NYC and Canada.

A public thanks must be given to Major (Troop Commander) Robert C. Meyers of NYSP “Troop T” along with the Troopers who operated on the scene, for being sensitive to the needs of the passengers of the bus – who were members of the Orthodox Jewish Community.

(Source: Times Union / YW-88 / YW-112)

14 Responses

  1. Very Frightening. Glad to hear this accident was not much worse!

    Is this the “Russian Bus”? Because that only goes twice a week, on Thursday and Sunday. I never heard of Heiman’s Bus…

  2. To answer my own question, this bus was going to Montreal, not Toronto as YWN had previously reported. Thanks for the correction.

  3. Its not the russian Bus. It’s Aryeh Weiss of North Star Tours. He goes every Tuesday night for Heiman;s Bus. He goes to Tosh. It’s the Tosh Bus.

  4. #4 A U turn on the Thruway with traffic at 65mph + isn’t like U turn on Avenue I. There are “No U turn” signs posted on the Thruway while on a residential street in NYC a U turn is permitted.
    It is not permitted on a commercial street.

  5. #10 – Apparently you’ve neve driven the 87. There are “No U-Turn” signs at every possible median crossing (about 1 per mile). This covers the Canadian end as well (Autoroute 15).

  6. Re # 3 by mw13 – “the truck driver should get his license revoked…”

    I am a licensed tractor trailer driver, and still do one run a week, as it happens to Albany – and I think mw13 is right on this one. Unless we hear about some extraordinary mitigating circumstances, there is no excuse for attempting to U-turn accross a divided highway…it simply takes too long for a tractor trailer to complete the maneuver for it to be safe.

    In addition, I might add, it was unneccessary – Exit 22 is only 6.5 miles north of the accident site and Exit 21B is but 7.5 miles south of it – whichever way he was rolling, he could have turned around legally at a close by exit.

  7. Re# 9 “the truck driver drives more dangerously than Boro Park drivers.” Assuming you mean all trruck drivers, minkymalka, insurance statistics prove you very wrong.

    The overwhelming majority of car/truck accidents are caused by the driver of the car . . . and trucks have much lower accident rates accross the board than do cars.

    This is not surprising – The trainig one goes through when getting a CDL-A, a tractor trailer license, is much more serious and strict than what one goes through to get a simple drivers license.

    None of which is meant to excuse the trucker in this case.

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