Frum Yid Hosts Drug Dealers in Lakewood

arrest.jpgFor the third time in a week, law enforcement officials in Ocean County made a large-scale drug bust, seizing more than 400 grams of cocaine at a township home – owned by a Frum Yid – early Friday morning. The reader should keep in mind that people are afraid to walk on the block, and that this street had a gang murder on it – and to top it off – is the block which Rabbi Moskowitz was brutally beaten with a baseball bat.

The Asbury Park Press reports: Acting on information developed during an investigation in concert with the federal Drug Enforcement Agency, members of the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office’s Special Operations Group and Lakewood police officers executed a search warrant at 207 E. Seventh St.

Inside, they found the 425 grams of cocaine estimated to carry a street value of more than $40,000 as well as a .38-caliber handgun and drug packaging materials, Prosecutor Marlene Lynch Ford said in a statement.

“Our Special Operations Group has been tasked with the job of utilizing intelligence-based policing to identify and shut down significant drug operations in Ocean County. Once again, they have delivered,” she said.

The bust came less than 24 hours after 1,950 bags of heroin were found inside a car during a motor-vehicle stop and two days after authorities raided five homes in southern Ocean County and recovered several pounds of marijuana.

None of the investigations was connected, and the fact that the seizures fell one after the other is coincidental, said Capt. Jack Sramaty of the Special Operations Group.

Arrested Friday were Pabolo Zavaleta Garcia, 23, and Angel Lopez, 36.

Garcia was being held in lieu of $500,000 cash bail at Ocean County Jail in Toms River. He faces charges of possession of more than five ounces of cocaine with the intent to distribute, possession of a firearm, possession with intent to distribute within a school zone and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Lopez is being held in lieu of $5,000 bail and is charged with possession of less than a half-ounce of cocaine and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Assisting in the investigation were members of the federal Drug Enforcement Agency’s Atlantic City office. Toms River Police K-9 officers assisted in the warrant execution.

(Source: APP)

34 Responses

  1. Frum Yid Hosts Drug Dealers in Lakewood
    November 9, 2008

    my headline would be as follows
    nowhere does it say a frum yid was arrested for this.

  2. yosse, get a life.
    actually, your right. this man can’t be frum. He is putting acheinu bnei yisroel in danger.

    and ywn cant be sued for defamation of character. So my dear Lakewood hocker, get real. get a life.
    these thugs lived in a frum mans home.


  3. 1. Please change your headline. It souinds like a FRUM YID is selling drugs.
    2. Remove address from above. Anyone who deals in Real Estate (50% of us) can check the owner in two seconds and its real L.H.

  4. YELLOW JOURNALISM! The fact that the home was owned by the “frum yid”, is secondary (not tht its not newsworthy). this is how a anti semetic website would portray this story.

  5. What is indeed interesting is that the owner, does in fact live in that neighborhood and should have really known better. I can only surmise that he figured he’s got so much of this garbage in his immediate vicinity that adding more won’t make a difference. I hope he finally gets it. Drugs are bad for EVERYBODY. Don’t allow these creeps to perpetuate their activities by allowing them to live in your properties. And if you can’t find another tenant, then either GET OUT of the real estate business or rent them rooms in your own home.

  6. Can’t resist this one:

    Please learn to spell
    Demamation character

    Comment by yaakov doe — November 9, 2008 @ 10:23 am

    Ummm, Yaakov Doe, How does one spell Defamation again?

  7. When I read this headline I said oh no, a Frum person is actually hosting drug dealers????? The headline is wrong on so many levels: Chilul Hashem, Anti-Semitism, Sheker, Gneivas Daas, pretty much standard around these territories. Regarding spelling in posts, you have to be a….

    Remainder of comment deleted by moderator.

  8. Why not simply title it “Frum yid’s tenant(s) is/are drug dealer(s)” so the headline would be more accurate?

    “hosts” connotes inviting to one’s home where one lives/works. From your story, this connotation is clearly incorrect, so please correct the headline and, in the future, choose your words more carefully.

  9. The report makes it seem that a frum Yid was involved in selling illegal drugs. It’s bad enough that criminals are caught in a house owned and rented out by a frum Jew in a Yeshiva neighborhood,but did this landlord KNOW that the tenant was involved before he rented it? Did he purposely rent it to this shady person?
    What hechsher did these drugs have?!
    I wonder how many rental apartments in NYC and in Monroe that are owned by frum heimish Jews are occupied by criminals active in crime?

  10. To all the grammar and spelling specialists out there,

    If you’re going to reprimand somebody for poor English usage, you can stop visiting “The Yeshiva World” website right now. Nearly every thread has several entries with grammar and spelling so erroneous that a second grader would laugh at them. If good syntax, prose, and structure is what you seek, you’ve come to the wrong place. Unfortunately, it is quite apropos for people to display their grammatical weakness here, as this is indeed endemic to the yeshiva world.

    For myself, I enjoy trying to decipher some of these posts, and it serves as a constant reminder to me for why I send my children to a school where they strive for Judaic and secular excellence. Just in case my children are not suited to become Roshei Yeshiva, they will at least be able to function in this world.

  11. Or, just “Drug Dealers Arrested At Frum-Owned Rental.” Unlike the published headline, it doesn’t mislead. If your point is to show how frum landlords are not being careful, the revision does make that clear.

  12. HaKatan is right. “Host’s” is incorrect unless the frum yid provided the drug dealers with rent free quarters.
    The landlord probably did not know the extent of his unsavory tenants’ business. So he was neither harboring nor hosting…



  14. I’m just happy the Lakewood Police are busy dealing with the drugs instead of the usual vigilance of giving out tickets for malfunctioning windsheild wipers etc…

  15. Actually the owner was NOT aware of what was going on in his home. But he doesn’t live in Lakewood. If it was a Lakewooder; Nu, but an outsider we have less of a responsibility to cater to them.But he also has owned this house for 20 years before there were any yidden around there.
    ?? Tough call

  16. #17-many spelling errors are te result of keyboard u really think i am unaware of the correct spelling for the word”the”?it is called a typo.
    on to your theme,so one without a proper secular education will either be a rosh yeshiva or bust?i was unaware of the vast poverty in Monroe and similar such educated communities.

  17. At least now, YWN has demonstrated and clearly served notice regarding their biased reporting of this particular topic. The wording of the headline “hosts”, informs the reader, that YWN can not be trusted to portray the facts as they are. Such slanted headlines are typical and to be expected of the NY Times, not a from a frum news reporter.

  18. #
    May we Jewish people be blessed with more like you!

    To all the grammar and spelling specialists out there,

    If you’re going to reprimand somebody for poor English usage, you can stop visiting “The Yeshiva World” website right now. Nearly every thread has several entries with grammar and spelling so erroneous that a second grader would laugh at them. If good syntax, prose, and structure is what you seek, you’ve come to the wrong place. Unfortunately, it is quite apropos for people to display their grammatical weakness here, as this is indeed endemic to the yeshiva world.

    For myself, I enjoy trying to decipher some of these posts, and it serves as a constant reminder to me for why I send my children to a school where they strive for Judaic and secular excellence. Just in case my children are not suited to become Roshei Yeshiva, they will at least be able to function in this world.

    Comment by zero_tolerance — Nov

  19. This whole article looks like it was posted without being edited, especially the first paragraph. For a news story as sensitive as this one, a more professional tone, and more carefully chosen words should have been used.

  20. Please the landlord new exactly what his tenents were up to! He was probably involved! The Jewish community needs to wake up and deal with the social problems at hand.

  21. lease the landlord new exactly what his tenents were up to! He was probably involved! The Jewish community needs to wake up and deal with the social problems at hand.

    Comment by miriamm
    This is a classic example of an illiterate .If you can’t spell or write correctly,no one will take you seriously.This remark is so stupid.

  22. I believe that YWN’s usage of the specific phrase “Host” is proper.

    First. It is consistent with the authoritative Oxford English Dictionary’s definition that even when a Landlord provides lodging FOR PAYMENT he may still be referred to as a ‘host’. They cite several proofs for this definition beginning with writings from contemporary times and going back over seven hundred years. If you would research the subject correctly, you will find several more definitions than you may now realize. Though you may not be personally accustomed to using the word this way, rest assured that YWN is correct on this.

    THIS LANDLORD IS “HOSTING” THESE HOODLUMS. Everyone is ANXIOUSLY WAITING for him to do the right thing.

    (There is still room for debate regarding if one can ‘Host’ only with a short-term stay or also permanent housing.. but from the mashma’us of the various instances cited (ibid.) it’s seems indicated that this terminology applies even with long-term lodging. Veyesh leha’arich oid..)

    However, even if YWN would not have been technically correct, he should still be commended for driving home the point that so many agree with. The real estate Business is no different than every other Business that has its ethical rules. When a landlord allows for a situation which impinges on people’s right to live in a quality, peaceful, nuisance-free, and most importantly, crime-free neighborhood, he is in many senses complicit in the evils perpetrated by the dwellers. He is providing direct aid and is a ‘Mesyeya’ to these law-breakers and needs to answer for his action/inaction permitting the circumstances. This is an old concept found often in the Gemara.

    It also makes no difference whatsoever if the landlord rented to these specific tenants before the neighborhood’s current law-abiding citizens moved in. This is because the right to live in a decent and safe neighborhood comes before, and trumps any landlord’s right to harbor anything otherwise. Period. Again, as was publicly stated in many earlier postings, the neighbors and community leaders have expressed their protests loud and clear.

    Second. To elevate the sichas chulin, I would like to point out that there are indeed differing shitos in the Poskim, as to whether a host which accepts compensation towards lodging fulfills the Mitzvah of Hachnosas Orchim and is therefore permitted to exercise the various dinim/kulos relevant to this Mitzvah. [See Teshuvos Ateres Baruch Y”D 5, Daas Torah O”C 306-4, Teshuvos Tzitz Eliezer 13:28-9, Teshuvos Divrei Yisroel 1:100, Teshuvos Divrei Moshe 42-4, Teshuvos V’Hanhagos 2:197, Sefer Derech Tzadikim pg. 28, v’oid..]

    So, it’s kumt ois that YWN can hold like the Poskim that one can still have the Halachic status of “Host” even while making money. U’baze Meyushav.

  23. Attn: Trachtglat. Good post, however…

    The relevant translation of a news headline, is the realistic perception of its audience. If it took you that much time to research the Oxford Dictionary for this, then apparently even you, who seems a bit more sophisticated then the typical poster here, did not initially understand it as such. Certainly the typical reader’s perception of “host” is not encyclopedic, but rather how it is used on the street, and that is, a non-paying guest. In a borrowed sense, it is similar to hilchos nedarim, or hilchos schiv merah, where the used street terminology is more important than the researched technical translation.


    “It also makes no difference whatsoever if the landlord rented to these specific tenants before the neighborhood’s current law-abiding citizens moved in. This is because the right to live in a decent and safe neighborhood comes before, and trumps any landlord’s right to harbor anything otherwise. Period.”

    Apparently, you are not familiar with hilchos Shcainim, or at least you need a chazarah. See Tshuvos HaRivash 322, Shulchan Aruch 154:32 and Rema 155:36.

  24. I think you’re all overlooking the fact that these tenants were Hispanic, and a landlord who throws out Hispanics will likely be sued by those wonderful “Civil Rights” law groups for “discrimination.”

  25. That is a terrible headline. If the “frum yid” is a landlord, how can any landlord know the doings of who they rent to. I think an apology is in order for the wording that a frum yid “hosted” a drug dealer. The implication of connecting the landlord to the sale of drugs is false.

  26. This is another reason why a good education, in the language of your land, is important. There is no cutting corners in having a complete education in addition to learning Torah.

  27. Let’s forget Websters for a second. The headline reads: “Frum Yid Hosts…” Now, if you open up any frum newspaper, or other event posting, “Hosting” something means, in general, that a person pays money to locate something at their house or venue, in a spirit of tremendous good will. I think it would be very hard to argue with that assertion. Pashut, that’s what “hosting” means. Avraham Avinu was known as the ultimate “Host.” His house was open on all four sides, the medrash tells us, no? So when a “news” site uses the phrase, “Frum Yid Hosts…” there is a preestablished meaning. If you were to just do articles on Landlord-Tenant issues, your headlines would probably say, “Landlord Rents….” but you did not choose to do that. You chose to use the word “hosts” instead of “rents,” which would be the most commonly used term regarding landlords and tenants. Choosing emotionally charged, highly loaded verbage when composing your headlines, probably produces plenty of traffic. However, that kind of writing, and you can look this one up in Websters or Oxford or the Encyclopedia Brittanica, if you like, that’s called “propoganda.” Propoganda is essentially sheker, manipulated by an ill-willed author with the intent to shape public opinion or create controversy for one’s own unstated goals. I’ve seen the term used “geneivas Daas” regarding this kind of manipulation. The same thing would apply to having ulterior motives for posting pictures of swastikas on a chareidi site, or for using the term, “Bus full of Orthodox Jews,” on another headline, as if the writer is not frum himself or does not know his audience. I’m not going to state what I think the ulterior motives of such writing is, but it should be clear to anyone with a modicum of seichal, why a website would want to create a firestorm. Surely there are other motivators.

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