Levaya of Rav Shmuel Yaakov Traube ZATZAL

candle4.gifYWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Hagon Rav Shmuel Yaakov Traube ZATZAL, Rosh Yeshiva for over 50 years in Yeshiva Torah Vodaath. The Levaya is leaving Shomrei Hachomos Chapels [4218 Ft. Hamilton Parkway] at 1:00PM EST, and will be in Yeshiva Torah Vodaath; 425 East 9 Street, Flatbush at 2:00PM EST.

Following the Levaya in Yeshiva Torah Vodaath, the Niftar will be brought to Eretz Yisroel for Kevurah (JFK International Airport, Cargo Area B)

Click HERE for photos taken at the Levaya in Eretz Yisroel.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

9 Responses

  1. Baruch Dayan Emmes
    He was my maggid shiur over 30 years ago. He was from the old school of Rebbeim who took a personal interest in the welfare of his talmidim. His shmussen were legendary. A Purim spent at his home was unforgettable.He helped me in my development for which no amount of gratitude will ever be adequate. I compare him to the mechanchim my children have had over the years and all I can say is that our kids are being severely shortchanged.

  2. He gave an interesting shiur to twelfth graders and they lapped up every nuance and kvetch. His sharfkeit was typical of a Poilisher Gerrer Chusid and his mussar was accepted by all. When he left Torah Vadaas we missed him dearly. He will always be remembered… Yehi Zichro Baruch

  3. BORUCH DAYAN HO’EMES!!!!!!!!!
    He was my Rebbi close to fifty years ago. He took bochurim who were what he called blocks of wood and turned them into beautiful furniture. A very real person, he loved his talmidim. He threw out many words of mussar and hashkofoh in the middle of a gemara shiur, and usually through a sharp incisive Gerrer style vort.
    I remember when we learned gemara Bava Basra and the beginning of the mashechta had Rashi. In the 20’s it says “kan meis Rashi” and the next piece begins with the Rashbam. He was reading the Rashi and went right into the Rashbam. He suddenly stopped. No one knew why. He waited a bit and then said in an impassioned voice, “Here it says Rashi died and I didn’t hear even one krechtz from anyone. WHERE IS YOUR HEART?”
    In camp T.V. they broke out a colour war by saying that someone went into a fast-flowing outlet of the lake by canoe and was lost. Being a colour war breakout, besides the immediate staff no one was advised of this. He went into the beis hamedrash and said T’hilim, crying all the while for the safebeing of the bochur.
    I could go on and on.

    A talmid.

  4. Comment 6 looks like someone from my shiur. I tremember that story with Bava Basra clearly. We loved Rav Traube ZTZL so much that we went on strike at the beginning of the 2nd year and wouldn’t leave the classroom. We ended up being in his shiur for 2 years, the most wonderful 2 years of my whole Yeshiva life. And also being a Gerrer chosid I’ve been in contact with him constantly over all these years. My family finally experienced his warmth and ahava when we took him as the Cohen for my 1st grandson’s pidyon haben. Hashem craeted one Rav Traube and broke the mold. Chaval al de’avdin veloh mishtakchin. Zchuso yogein oleinu.

  5. about comment # 6

    such a type of color war breakout is ASSUR.
    scaring a person is certainly onoas devorim.

    in this case there are probably more issurim like g’neivas daas [even for fun]!

    [obviously this has nothing to do with the great niftar ]
    yehie zichroi baruch.

  6. He was my best Rebbe I ever had. When he used to come to Eretz Yisrael for a grandchild’s wedding all my classmates learning in E”Y used to get together with him.
    When ever someone asked a question which was no question he used to say “The Rosh asks your question….Your Rosh”

  7. I have very fond memories of my year in Rabbi Traube’s shiur (25 years ago). His hasbara of the sugyos were extraordinary and his shmuessen were something to look forward to. He was also very approachable and took a keen interest in the bochurim. May the family know of no more Tzaar and may he be a Meilitz Yosher for Klal Yisroel !

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