Out Of The Mailbag: Thank You President Bush

YWN story.jpgI predict that history and entire people of the USA (even those that voted for the current President-elect) will one day judge President George W. Bush very kindly.

Today, my prediction might seem foolish, however that is only because of the current media bias. It is my belief that History will not contain those biases.

The chutzpa of the press is mind boggling. Before the recent economic meltdown, what did we hear every day from the media?  Iraq. Iraq. Iraq.

The good people of the United States were inundated with bad news from Iraq hourly and suddenly the culprit was President Bush.

Therefore, after being fed each and every day about the horrors in Iraq the people decided that President Bush is no good and his poll numbers started to drop.

Do not think for a second that I am delusional. I am not. I understand that everything was not roses in Iraq.  Quite the contrary, there were flaws. Rumsfeld blew it. But guess what, ultimately the surge worked and not a peep from the media about the remarkable turnaround.

Therefore today, although Iraq is now off the table, you will not hear a peep about the progress in Iraq. So what do we hear from the democrats and their stooges in the press. The economy… It is all President Bush’s fault and the press’ messiah is now elected to change course because everything is “Bush’s fault”

I am here to tell the world. No it is not his fault!!

Let’s go back a few years to understand our current events.

I still remember 9/11(even though it seems like 52% of Americans forgot about it)
I remember that on 9/12 we were all afraid that we were not safe in this great county.
On September 12, 2001 we all thought that this would happen again. Hashem Yishmor.

However, with the help of G-d President Bush put procedures in place and protected this great country. And, for the last seven plus years there were no attacks.

Why not? You may ask.

I’ll tell you why. Because Hashem watched over us with much rachmonus. The Rebono Shel Olam sent us a messenger by the name of President Bush.

Once President Bush decided to flex America’s muscles in Iraq, the terrorists were silent in America.

Did any one say thank you? I’m sure we all thanked G-d. But did anyone thank President Bush.

President Bush was a gutte sh’liach (good messenger). President Bush was good for the people that reside in the USA and to our brothers in Eretz Yisrael.

If a doctor heals someone from yenner machla and he is free from bad cells in seven and a half years should that person not say thank you to the doctor, because everything comes from Hashem?

Of course, most people will thank the doctor because he was a good she’liach. So too, I would like to say thank you to the messenger that kept us free of bad cells here in the USA for the past seven years and two months.

Why are people so hung up on the failures of President Bush and his administration and will not give any credit regarding the successes?

America has decided that instead of staying the course of strength and voting for Mr. John McCain, the American people have instead elected for change. Why Change?

Change from what. From security?

President Bush became such a dirty word that Mr. McCain could not even mention the fact that America has been secure since 9/11 and that is a direct result of the policies President Bush.

In conclusion I thank the Rebono Shel Olam for placing a valuable sh’liach to guard and protect America from its enemies.

I certainly hope and pray that my belief in Hashem will grow so that when the current elected president occupies the white house, I will have mastered the art of Bitachon.  In the meantime, until I master the art of emuneh and bitachon, guess what? I am petrified.

Maybe that is H-shems plan. We must not have any faith in any individual. Ein lanu al mi lehisha’en elah al aveenu shebashamayim.

(The above letter was written by the same individual who wrote a letter to President Bush – titled “Open Letter to President Bush” – posted HERE in the YWN Mailbag)

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34 Responses

  1. How wrong you are
    It is well known that Bush had no tolrence for anyone who did not agree with him. He never listened to the other side of any argument.
    This arrogance (or foolishness) resulted in many poor decisions.
    History will judge Bush as we do, an incopmpetent

  2. Thank You Mr. President.

    It will be long before we see a man of your caliber in the Oval Office again.

    It will be soon when we start regretting your departure.

  3. That has been the pattern with most presidents during the 2nd half of the 20th century (Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and Reagan). The only exceptions are ones who were virtually declared to be political saints at their death while in office (Roosevelt and Kennedy), and those who haven’t died yet. Being a free country and a republic, we are critical of our leaders, which is at it should be.

  4. Guantanamo Bay will haunt the US for centuries, thanks to Bush. Our reputation is dirt.

    Bush has not stopped terrorism here, Iran has changed it’s focus to controlling the Sunni countries in the Middle East.

    Bush destroyed our stability.

  5. i think that the media will come around to the fact that Mr. Bush wasn’t as bad as they made him out to be especially since their objective was met.

  6. Absolutely correct!!! We owe an especial debt of gratitude to President Bush for his steadfastness and efforts to keep America safe. Since 9/11, despite the fact that there have been attacks all over the world, B’H it has not happened again here. The biased Left Wing press (including “all the news that fits we print”)was against him from day one. His actions as President were a true Profile in Courage. His quest for truth, morality and justice mirror the concerns of our community. History will, in time, look very favorably on his term of office. The fact is, that the current economic crisis was largely due to Democratic-sponsored legislation without proper oversight.
    Thank you President Bush for all you have done.

  7. Very good letter and I too feel that Preisent Bush is indeed under-appreciated and history will be much kinder to him as time goes by and people will see how decent he really is and was.

  8. You wrote an excellent letter! And let’s not forget that when Israel was attacked, Bush never condemed them for “fighting back”. Rather, he stated that this was all part of the War on Terror.

    I’m sure that President-elect Obama is shocked as he’s going through the daily security briefings to learn just how many threats there are to this great nation. Most of them never reach the media, thank goodness.

  9. Obama’s first official action as President-Elect was to appoint an Orthodox Jew to the role of Chief-of-Staff, arguably the 2nd most powerful position in the government.

  10. Perhaps my opinion will lighten if Bush pardons Jonathan Pollard. Now would be the time to push as exiting presidents usually dole out pardons all over the place.

  11. This writer has a very valid argument. By invading Iraq, President Bush moved the battleground from the shores of America to the Middle East. If one would look at the current situation in Israel, one would find that this was the exact mistake that Sharon made. He moved the battle from Gaza to Sderot, which is closer to the Center of Israel. We all know how that turned out.

  12. Excellent letter!
    I agree wholehearedly.
    The fact that we didn’t have a single terrorist attack here since 9/11, is an amazing feat. You can be sure that we were and continue to be the #1 target for terrorism.
    Hopefully, now that Bush had the guts to implement the “Unpopular” patriot act, Obama won’t have the guts to roll it back. Hopefully, Bush will have left a legacy in DC, that Homeland Security is #1 priority. Therefore, the Dems will be frightened from rolling them back and getting blamed for the next terror attack.

    History will judge Bush as being great for national security.
    He also managed to get 2 great supreme court justices appointed. That is something we will continue to gain from for many years to come.

    However, he won’t be judged favorably that for 8 years in office that he didn’t manage to lessen USA dependance on foreign “despots” oil. This is a terrible legacy. He also, was not effective in holding the line on spending. The national debt skyrockted under his watch. He let congress spend pork barrel like drunken sailors.
    He is also leaving with Iran going full throttle towards Nuclear bomb, and North Korea too.

  13. #12, I don’t think he is Orthodox. Yes he attended an orthodox synagogue. However, he is not shomer shabbos and is not shomer kashrus. I don’t think you can call that “Orthodox”.
    As a side note, he also choreographed the Rabin-Arafat handshake at the White House.

  14. bush was a great president, and his reputation is now in taters because of unjust smears and the action of democrats. the current financial crisis is almost entirely the fault of the democratic congress, who repealed the bush administration’s efforts to put more oversight on the housing industry, insisted that everyone should be able to own a house whether they could afford it or not, then dithered and dalleyed over the rescue bill while the stock market plunged, ensuring obama victory. and naturally, the democrats blame this all on bush. it makes me sick.

    and #16, rahm didn’t just choreograph the Rabin-Arafat handshake, he was a driving force behind the whole oslo accords, as well as government controlled health care. like they say, the country’s about to go to gehonim in a handbasket.

  15. #5 you may be a liberal, but to deny that our country has been terrorism free for the past 7+ years is crazy.
    Bush is a very self centered person and did not bother to realize that the mortgage mess that Clinton created was destroting our country but as the article states, he was put in place for a specific shlichus and accomplished his shlichus quite well. Now we have to hope that the next administration will do thier shlichus in the way HKB’H intends for them.

  16. Well done YeshivaWorld.com !
    What a really inspiring letter ; its nice to read genuine HaKoras HaTov sincerely written . Until the new president is sworn in , i believe “Divine Intervention” can still invoke laws to keep President Bush in power ?!

  17. #17, Clinton was weak on nation security and nearly dismantled our military. Aside from not responding to the terrorists abroad responsible for the World Trade Center bombing in ’93 (all he did was “prosecute” a few-low-level terrorists who were sent to our shores to carry out their dastardly deed), he did nothing in response to the fatal attacks on our Embassies in 98 and the attack on the USS Cole in 2000 — both resulting in numerous American casualties.

    George W. Bush has been one of the Jews best friends in the Oval Office. And he has provided a great degree of national security that has resulted in NO fatal terrorist attacks against the U.S. since 9/11 — a feat NO analyst dared predict on 9/12.

  18. #18, The Republican Party has long thrown out anti-semites and made them unwelcome. It is the Democrat Party that is an open house to all the anti-semites (Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton,Cynthia McKinney, etc. etc.)

  19. #16. From where do you know his level of Shabbos and Kashrus observance that you make your statement public. And to what level should a jews “validity” be announced? I mention this because some draw judgement from those who consume OU-D. We all know who really has a handle on the scale of merits and shortcomings, and to what degree and what the explanation for each is.

  20. #24. The GOP has not thrown out anti-semites. I dont know where to begin but let’s start with it’s relationship with the Heritage Foundation whose members contain(ed) ranks of genuine y’mach sh’moes from Germany.

  21. #26, The Republican has purged any anti-semites regularly. Name names. It is the Democrat Party that hosts all modern day anti-semites. See the names I provided above.

  22. #26, Were talking about today, and the last 50 rough years. In this time frame, up to current, the Democrats have been more than welcoming of anti-semites, while (since William F. Buckley revolutionized the conservative movement beginning in the 1950’s) the conservatives have kicked out the anti-semites.

  23. Terrific letter! Only those suffering from Bush Derangement Syndrome (unfortunately there are a few such posters) would disagree.

    Joseph, you are right. veryinteresting is still living in the early 20th century. All the rabid anti-semites today are on the left. Just ask Joe Lieberman!

  24. Charlie,

    David Duke has been both a Democrat (which he left on his own volition), and a Republican (which essentially booted him and made him feel unwanted.)

    Yes, not every anti-semite is necessarily a Democrat. But the Democrat Party is VERY WELCOMING of anti-semites i.e. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Cynthia McKinney, etc. etc. (McKinney left for political opportunity elsewhere.) Jackson and Sharpton are treated like Royalty by the Democrat Party, and are welcomed and sought after for advise and counsel. If the Republicans had done anything of the sort for anyone of that sort, that would have been endlessly skewered by the leftist rags.

    Finally, I appreciate your hakoras hatov, but my comments wasn’t directed at your original comment.

  25. this letter is 100% right. Frum Jews want a safe and secure Israel, the same for America, strong societal values, school choice, low taxes and Bush has steadfastly supported all of the above and more. The ONLY reason Bush has such low approval ratings is due to the shameful media, the same media which destroyed McCain and selected Obama. Without them, Obama would never even have defeated Hillary.

    Most of the criticism against Bush, especially on this site, don’t make any sense, especially from a frum Jews’ viewpoint.

    Let’s look at comment #17

    “i would also like to thank president clinton…for after the terrorist attack during 93, we were not hit on our shores until 2001”

    We were hit many times in between (though not on our shores) and Clinton did nothing except kill a few camels with a missile. This emboldened Bin Laden to attempt 9/11. So no thanks are due to him

    “i would like to thank bush for making it possible for iran to now become a force in the middle east”

    Ridiculous. As I’ve commented elsewhere, Iran was a force since 1979 and we are better positioned to suppress them now then in 2003. The reason we didn’t hear so much about them before is because Saddam was an even greater threat, which b”h he is no longer.

    “i would like to thank bush for pushing israel to unilaterally withdrawing from the gaza.”

    Ariel Sharon did that with no assist from anyone. if you have any evidence that Bush pushed him to do that, please show us.

    “i would like to thank bush for his sound econonic policies that have kept the fundamentals of the economy strong and have now lost us over 1.2 million jobs.”

    Bush got us out of the Clinton recession of 2000-2001 in record time and had a solid, growing economy for the next 6 years. Our current woes are a direct result of Democratic policies of forcing lenders to lend to people who couldn’t pay them back (and Bush and McCain warned against many times), whether you care to admit it or not.

    “thank you for leaving our borders unprotected.”

    Oh, and Clinton was great on that, and so will Obama be. Ha.

    “thank you for making a joke of our constitution and holding yourself and others in your administration as above the law.”

    Thank you for mindlessly repeating what the lefty media spews. Can you cite an example where bush held himself above the law? Clinton perjured himself and lost his law license, do you have a similar claim about Bush?

    “thank you for placing in positions of power, chronies with little or no qualifications.”

    You have no clue what you’re talikng about. Colin Powell, Don Rumsfeld, Rice, O’Neill, Ashcroft, Gates etc. were from the most experienced and qualified cabinets in history. Even the Democrats agreed to that, while despising their policies.

    and to the writer, a great president once said, “the only thing we have to fear is, fear itself” in other words, gam zoo latova

    I would never call the man (FDR) who refused to bomb the train tracks to Auschwitz a “great president”. That you do is very disturbing.

    President Bush deserves our Hakaras Hatov and I’ll say it loud and clear: Thank you President George W. Bush for being such a honorable and principled president and for being such a good friend of Israel and the Jewish people.

  26. #12, this is what the wall street journal had to say about rahm:

    President-elect Barack Obama’s choice of Rep. Rahm Emanuel as chief of staff drew fire Thursday from Republicans, and a few Democrats, who noted that a candidate elected on a call for change had turned to a veteran partisan pugilist for his first appointment.

    Mr. Emanuel, an Obama friend from Chicago’s insular political world, brings to the post a hard-charging, sometimes profane voice that contrasts sharply with Mr. Obama’s unflappable demeanor. He spent much of the Clinton administration inside the White House political office, shaping message and policy with a keen eye on its electoral impact.

    His legislative attention was focused on tax and health-care issues. But he angered some Latino organizations by steering the House away from a fight over an immigration-law overhaul.

    “On the Hill, he came up with the strategy of how to slam Republicans and not move on immigration,” said Arnoldo Torres, a past executive director of the League of Latin American Citizens and aide to California’s Republican governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

    The Republican National Committee called the choice Mr. Obama’s first “broken promise.” “This is an ironic choice for a president-elect who has promised to change Washington, make politics more civil, and govern from the center,” said House Minority Leader John Boehner (R., Ohio).

    Some Democratic aides on Capitol Hill were similarly struck by the partisan nature of the appointment — and even more so by the extended rollout. The Associated Press reported last week that Mr. Emanuel was likely to get the job, which he denied. By Wednesday, congressional sources were widely confirming he had been offered the job, but Emanuel aides said he hadn’t accepted it.
    —John D. McKinnon contributed to this article.

    Write to Jonathan Weisman at [email protected]

  27. Yes we should all have HAKORASS HATOIW to president Bush.
    If he only killed Saddam Hussein the one who launched the missels to kill us DAYENU!

    We will not forget!

  28. thank you for a wonderful article! at least someone still talks sense.may we should all send this letter to the white house.
    And btw bush will not free pollard, and not because he doesn’t want to, but because the Israeli government doesn’t want!!!!

  29. To #23, and #33
    Thank you for your direct responses to comment #17. I see his “liberal talking points” omments posted here often, and I’m happy to see some one dismantle his arguements and show the fraud. I would just like to add that the part about Pres. Bush being stubborn (not listening to people…)is a good thing. Aside from probably being blown out of prportion by some white house crony whom wasn’t listened to, it shows the mark of a great leader. He’s not changing his mind to make some one happy or to get votes. He’s not trying to win a popularity contest like most other politicians.
    For people like bacci40, Pres Bush is like a father who does the best thing for their whiny ill content child, whether they realize it or not. For me, he is a great leader.
    Thank you, Mr. President.

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