Agudath Israel Letter Sent to President Elect Barack Obama

agudah111.jpgPresident Elect Barack Obama
P.O. Box 8102
Chicago, IL  60680
Dear Mr. President Elect:

On behalf of Agudath Israel of America, it is my pleasure to convey to you our heartfelt congratulations on your historic victory in yesterday’s election.

Agudath Israel is an 86-year old national Orthodox Jewish organization, with eight advocacy offices across America, as well as a full-time D.C. office and active chapters in virtually in all of the states.  We have had the pleasure of working with you and your staff during your tenures both in the Illinois state legislature and in the U.S. Senate, and we very much look forward to building upon that relationship as you assume the highest office in the land.

The very first sentences of your victory speech last night, pointing out how the results of the election have shattered once and for all the myth that certain opportunities are foreclosed from certain types of people in this country, most meaningfully resonates in a community like ours.  All Americans can share in the inspiration of this truly significant moment.

We look forward to working with you in the months and years to come.  For now, you have our every best wish and heartfelt prayers for great success.


David Zwiebel.

16 Responses

  1. Is this standard to send a letter to every newly elected president?

    Also, I think it would have been classier to hand deliver it or to send it special delivery or maybe to the white house. Who knows. I’m all confused.

    Also, who in the agudah has worked with obama and does he remember them?

  2. #1, yes, it is standard to send a letter to every newly elected President.

    I’m sure they haven’t just licked a .42 stamp, stuck it into an envelope and dropped it in a mailbox.

  3. Will they also have to explain their incessant, although subtle, support for John McCain. And the outcry of many gedolei yisroel calling for tefillos to Hashem to deliver us from an Obama victory?

    I’m noone to pass any judgement on a heilige organization like Agudas Yisroel, who recieve all their guidance from the gedolei hador. But somehow I would have liked to see more steadfast loyalty to the party you REALLY feel is close to your morals and ideals, rather than running an agenda of always pandering to whoever was last night’s winner. I think that that way you ultimately win the respect of both parties, even your pronounced rival.

    I think R. Avigdor Miller zt”l would openly endorse whatever candidate he felt was direly important (to get elected) for the bebfit of klal yisroel, and would stick to his principles staunchly and publicly, even if that party would wind up losing. But, then again, Rav Miller, although he was one of the Torah giants of our dor, was not in the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah.

    I guess, in the end, it’s much easier to be a street loudmouth, always mouthing off your personal emotions (like many commentators on this website do), than to just follow daas gedoleinu u’meorainu without asking any questions, even if feels very against our personal beliefs.


  4. Hey, Im not big fan of the Agudah , but I still think this is good to do.

    I am certain that the president elect recieves many similar letters for all sorts of groups both nationally and internationally.

  5. Charitable org. cannot endorse any candidates as they are a 501c3 tax exempt organization.
    More important it seems that AI work very closely with both parties for the common good of Klal Yisroel which I think you would all agree is the best way to approach Askonis. The issues are the Ikur NOT the personalities. I’m not sure #3 what you mean when you say “incessant support.”
    I saw that Aguda was very clear in every ad and letter that you saw from them- you were urged to vote-period. It actually bothered me more that they didn’t endorse any candidates because most of us don’t really know who to vote for. But to their credit they are very deliberate in not endorsing. If you have ever spoken to Rabbi Zweibel you will know what a straight shooter he is and how careful he is. Its no secret that many in our community (me included) was and is apprehensive about an Obama Presidency. There is no shame in choosing or desiring a specific candidate. The only shame is in not acting like a mentch and criticizing without knowing facts.

  6. It shows a lack of derech eretz to the new president to send him a letter with a typo, why couldn’t they take the time to proof read it more carefully. Notice the extra word “in” in the first sentence of the second paragraph.

  7. watchDOG any group that has tax exempt status can’t endorse a candidate or they lose that status .
    As a social advocacy group the Agudah needs to work with the highest level of goverment and needs a true mutual respectful relationship with the office of the President of the U.S. They need to put all personal feelings aside, focus on the potential good that he can offer and keep working for the betterment of the klal.
    As far as past relationship with Obama, yes the askonim in the Midwest have a relationship with him.

    Is it possible- just possible that the typo happened when the words were entered into this post?
    What is with people who simply spew out whatever comes into their mind with no care for the truth or accuracy.
    The only lack of Derech Eretz here is your foolish observation.

  9. “For now, you have our every best wish and heartfelt prayers for great success.”

    Now, and not later? Interesting word usage

  10. When will the Agudah send a letter to Obama strongly protesting his position on “Mishgav Zachor” “Marriage” and “Partial birth Murder”!? If they don’t, then this letter is %100 percent Chanifa!

  11. Askonus and shtadlus have halochos. Most people who are not or were not ever directly involved and never received hadrocho and shimush cannot know what these halochos and hashkofos are (for the most part). Or so it seems to me.

    We should direct any comments and questions to those who are trying to do the work, and not just be armchair warriors.


    as for Joe Yeshivish,
    What did you do to protest Prop 8 in California?
    ………… silence?
    I thought so. The Aguda has a California office that is doing its job of advocating on behalf of our community while you sit on your key board and complain and when they do go public with statements they get bashed for getting involved. Bottom line- leadership is not a popularity contest, you do whats right and keep going.
    On every major social issue of the day, Askonim of AI and other Klal Organizations deliberate and weigh how best to stand up for us. You may not see that deliberation but it is there every day and on every issue. Sometimes vocally and often times behind the scenes. What is simply intolerable is the incessant complaining and whining from Monday morning quarterbacks like you on how the Agudah should do this or that and why they do this or that etc…If you were an an Askan of your community and involved in Klal- you would know just how tough it is to work on behalf of the mostly ungrateful Tzibbur. So many opinions and complaints and so little help.However,it is your constitutional right to an opinion until that’s taken away too (just a joke, relax libs), Kol Hakovod, but why must you and those like you shoot the few messengers and representatives that we have left.Without real deliberation on your part you immediately decided that something was wrong in what they did or didnt write. Give me a break. Their capability and power to get things done is only enhanced by your support. Your bitter sarcastic feelings and bashing only diminish their Koiach for us. Believe me when I say Klal Yisroel needs a strong Agudas Yisroel,now more than ever! We need strong organizations to stand up for us, your not doing it. The times are so perilous. At the very least we shouldn’t be overly -critical it only hurts us.

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