Letter from Agudath Israel’s Coordinator of Voter Registration

agudah11.jpgDear Registered Voter,

Tomorrow, November 4th, is Election Day.  Agudath Israel of America is urging everyone to get out and vote. Too many people are saying, “New York is not a swing state – my vote means nothing”.

Huge mistake. Politicians at all levels closely scrutinize the voting numbers in every district.  Their policies, decisions, and willingness to help our community are very much based on what they find. Your vote shows our representatives that our community cares about issues and cannot be ignored.  Keeping this in mind, it should be clear: Every single vote counts.

So if you care about the safety and security of our brethren in Eretz Yisroel, about tuition relief, about help for our yeshivos, about better city services and police protection, about  social services for the needy, the moral climate of society and other important issues affecting our communities, please realize that you must vote!

vote.jpg[Click on image to ENLARGE] In a letter dated October 3, 1984, Rabbi Moshe Feinstein wrote: “It is a most fundamental responsibility upon each individual to register and vote.”  A recent letter signed by R’ Eliyashiv and other gedolim in Etretz Yisroel states that every individual who has the ability to vote should not excuse himself from doing so.

The polls are open in New York State from 6 am to 9 pm, and in New Jersey from 6 am to 8 pm. If you are not sure about the location of your polling place, please call Agudath Israel at (212) 797-9000 extension #234 and I will be happy to assist you.

Betzalel Wolff
Coordinator of Voter Registration
Agudath Israel of America

P.S.: If you have registered to vote but haven’t received your confirmation from the Board of Elections, you may still be registered and able to vote.

7 Responses

  1. This election has brought out the worst in Jewish bloggers. Of course everyone should vote for whoever the support tomorrow, Tuesday the 4th. I don’t think either campaign or candidate is worthy of our votes, but it is our obligation to vote. What the next President does in in Hashems “hands”.

  2. illini07, this is no fear-mongering or rumors. Obama is the most inexperienced and socialist candidate for president EVER. In his ONE senate term, Obama has only written 2 laws, but has written THREE books about HIMSELF. When he was elected senator, he was asked if he would consider running for president. He said NO, because then he’d “have to essentially start now”.

    Obama has also said that he doesn’t regret his slip to Joe the Plumber that he intends to “spread the wealth around”. This means he wants to take your hard-earned parnassa and give it to some lazy drug addict on streets. I don’t want this to happen – do you?!

    And then there’s the most important issue of Obama negotiating with Ahmadinejad, who intends to “wipe Israel off the map” and is the main supporter of terrorism. Or do you support Ahmadinejad?!

    Now, let’s take a look at the people behind the obama campain:

    Palestinian Ibrahim Abu Jayab, 24, is seen next to his computer, in his family house in Nusayrat refugee camp, central Gaza Strip, Tuesday, Oct. 28, 2008. A young Palestinian in a Gaza refugee camp is doing his part to get out the vote for Barack Obama. With a little help from the Internet, 24-year-old Ibrahim Abu Jayab is cold calling random American families from his parent’s home imploring them to vote Obama.
    (AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)

    On the eve of a planned meeting with former President Jimmy Carter, the isolated Hamas terrorist organization has expressed “hope” Sen. Barack Obama will win the presidential elections and “change” America’s foreign policy. “We like Mr. Obama, and we hope that he will win the elections,” Ahmed Yousuf, Hamas’ top political adviser in the Gaza Strip, said in an exclusive interview with WND and with the John Batchelor Show on WABC Radio in New York.

    Obama’s anti-Israel advisors
    By Alan Simons
    Ask many American Jews what they think about Zbigniew Brzezinski, a former national security advisor who served under President Carter, and you’ll receive a multitude of comments of which the vast majority aren’t particularly favourable. These comments can perhaps best be summed up in one sentence. “He’s no friend of Israel.”
    Brzezinski is one in a list of advisors that have recently joined the Obama campaign. David Bonior is another member of Obama’s team. As a Congressman, Bonior was known for his strong opposition to pro-Israel policies, being called by some “the biggest supporter of the anti-Israel Arab lobby in Congress.” (Jonathan Tobin, Jewish World Review,7/12/99).
    General Tony McPeak is also part of Obama’s team, and Robert Malley, who according to Daniel Pipes, is a sympathizer of the PLO, recently had to resign ‘after it was emerged that he was talking to Hamas.’ Malley is the Director of the Middle East/North Africa Program at the International Crisis Group (ICG). Brzezinski, sits as a member on ICGs Board.

    Do you want someone with these supporters, advisers, and positions to be president?! Voting for Obama is a risk that we as Americans and as Jews simply cannot take.

  3. The sad part is The Orthodox Jewish community could have very easily supported an Obama candidacy. The economy being down hurts our community deeply.Israeli security is also not where it should be and this upsets us greatly. We too are desperate for change. John McCain is not our perfect candidate but at the very least we have a complete picture and history of the man and his record. When held up against Obama, it is simply child’s play. McCain is an American hero etc… Obama the great unknown hope is a blank piece of paper surrounded by questionable mentors and friends. Surly you see our legitimate problem.
    On the surface Sen.Obama seems genuine.But the surface is where ignorant people are satisfied and informed educated engaged voters continue. We simply need more.
    The candidate while very charismatic, fails to convince us of his intentions and raises the skepticism with his associations.
    While all of the Obama supporters feel justified in their outrage at anyone who questions the authenticity of Barack Obama, it is he himself and the type of stonewalling from the LA times, that has continued to cast this negative vibe.
    So the question has continued to be- “who is Barack Obama?” Answer from the liberal left- “how dare you assume that he is a bad guy.”
    The whole exercise is ridiculous.
    It is his failure and the failure of the Democratic party to present a complete picture and put our fears to rest once and for all. Because Hilary was originally the anointed one and because Obama’s handlers have hidden him from the real media, many America who would happily vote for a black or brown candidate are not comfortable with the unknown ideology of the man. Skin color got nothing to do with it.The answers do not satisfy us,therefore the debate has been forced into guilt by association. Unfair maybe, but again not our fault.We are left with inadequate personnel ideological information about the candidate for President of the United States and that scares the hell out of us.We live in a dangerous world where our very future is in question. Iran, Israel, economy, taxes. The man has not been helpful to his cause.We want answers not sound bites.Assurance not reverse discrimination from the liberal left for having the nerve to become educated. Why is this bigoted or racist?
    The LA times foolishness only serves to exacerbate the question on everybody’s mind-WHO IS BARACK OBAMA and why should I vote for him.

  4. God bless our new president elect and his family and God bless this wonderful free country of ours and keep it free from bigotry, small-mindedness, and religious fanatacism of all sorts.

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