Nadler Challenges Obama’s Political Courage For Not Leaving Trinity Church

Nadler.jpgRepublican Jewish Coalition Executive Director Matt Brooks responded today to the comments made by Rep. Jerrold Nadler’s (D-NY) at a forum in Boca Raton, Florida yesterday. Rep. Nadler, acting as an Obama surrogate, said Obama didn’t leave Trinity United Church, after learning of Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s anti-American and anti-Israel rhetoric, because he “didn’t have the political courage to make the statement of walking out.”

“It is ironic that Obama’s own surrogate recognizes Obama lacks the political courage to stand up for what is right,” said Brooks. “Having failed to stand up to anti-American and anti-Israel rhetoric in the past, one has to wonder if Obama will have the courage to stand up to it as president? Because Obama has not stood up to this type of rhetoric and because of Obama’s choice of associates and advisers, the Jewish community remains deeply concerned about an Obama Presidency. Even Obama surrogate Rep. Jerrold Nadler acknowledges that when faced with tough decisions in the past, Obama lacked the political courage to do what is right.”

4 Responses

  1. “Having failed to stand up to anti-American and anti-Israel rhetoric in the past, one has to wonder if Obama will have the courage to stand up to it as president? Because Obama has not stood up to this type of rhetoric and because of Obama’s choice of associates and advisers, the Jewish community remains deeply concerned about an Obama Presidency.”

    Nadler is on the mark!
    The sad part is The Orthodox Jewish community could have very easily supported an Obama candidacy. The economy being down hurts our community deeply.Israeli security is also not where it should be and this upsets us greatly. We too are desperate for change. John McCain is not our perfect candidate but at the very least we have a complete picture and history of the man and his record. When held up against Obama, it is simply child’s play. McCain is an American hero etc… Obama the great unknown hope is a blank piece of paper surrounded by questionable mentors and friends. Surly you see our legitimate problem.
    On the surface Sen.Obama seems genuine.But the surface is where ignorant people are satisfied and informed educated engaged voters continue. We simply need more.
    The candidate while very charismatic, fails to convince us of his intentions and raises the skepticism with his associations.
    While all of you Obama supporters feel justified in your outrage at anyone who questions the authenticity of Barack Obama, it is he himself and the type of stonewalling from the LA times, that has continued to cast this negative vibe.
    So the question has continued to be- “who is Barack Obama?” Answer from the liberal left- “how dare you assume that he is a bad guy.”
    The whole exercise is ridiculous.
    It is his failure and the failure of the Democratic party to present a complete picture and put our fears to rest once and for all. Because Hilary was originally the anointed one and because Obama’s handlers have hidden him from the real media, many America who would happily vote for a black or brown candidate are not comfortable with the unknown ideology of the man. Skin color got nothing to do with it.The answers do not satisfy us,therefore the debate has been forced into guilt by association. Unfair maybe, but again not our fault.We are left with inadequate personnel ideological information about the candidate for President of the United States and that scares the hell out of us.We live in a dangerous world where our very future is in question. Iran, Israel, economy, taxes. The man has not been helpful to his cause.We want answers not sound bites.Assurance not reverse discrimination from the liberal left for having the nerve to become educated. Why is this bigoted or racist?
    The LA times foolishness only serves to exacerbate the question on everybodys mind-WHO IS BARACK OBAMA and why should I vote for him.

  2. Nadler was then asked if that has any reflection on Obama’s qualifications for the presidentcy, to which he answered: “No”

  3. Nadler is afraid of losing his congressional seat. So, he puts on this act as a way of appearing that he is distancing himself from Obama. For shame!!!

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