New Fox News Poll Shows Obama Leading McCain 50-43

omn.jpgBarack Obama holds a solid lead over John McCain going into Election Day – 50 percent to 43 percent – according to the final FOX News pre-election poll of likely voters.

With just one day to go before Election Day, Barack Obama has a 7 percentage point lead over John McCain — 50-43 percent, according to the final FOX News pre-election poll of likely voters.

At the end of October, Obama led by 47-44 percent among likely voters, and by 49-40 percent about ten days ago (Oct 20-21). The last time McCain led was immediately following the Republican Convention when he had a 45-42 percent edge (September 8-9 among registered voters).

Looking at the preferences among key groups, the most important has to be independents and Obama has a slim 43 percent-38 percent advantage. Obama has had a single-digit edge among independents for the last month.

Party loyalty is fairly balanced. Obama receives the backing of 89 percent of Democrats and McCain has 88 percent of Republicans.

A little more than one of 10 says they registered to vote in the last two years and these new voters give a nice boost to the Democrat — 57 percent are backing Obama to 41 percent for McCain– unchanged from earlier polling.

Obama leads McCain by 50-43 percent among women. Al Gore won women by 11 percentage points and John Kerry won them by 3 points. White women back McCain 52-40 percent. In 2000, white women backed Bush by a razor-thin 1 point margin and by 11-points in 2004.

Among men, Obama leads by 50-43 percent. Bush won men by 11 points in both 2000 and 2004. And while McCain is favored among white men by 5 points, that is a much narrower margin than Bush’s 25-point win among this group in 2004.

McCain narrowly leads Obama, 49-44 percent, among white Catholics. And married women, another key-voting group, go 48-44 percent for McCain. In 2004, Bush won white Catholics by 13 points and married women by 11 points.

Obama’s lead among those who say they have already voted has almost disappeared. He has a 1-point edge — just 48-47 percent — in this latest poll, down from a 52-43 percent lead previously (Oct 28-29).

Click HERE to see the raw data.

(Fox News)

12 Responses

  1. How anyone could be “undecided” at such a late date is beyond my understanding!

    The good news is that the final “poll” takes place tomorrow behind the voting curtain and hopefully when it counts the USA will vote AGAINST Obama and his socialistic views.

  2. John McCain is trailing presidential rival Barack Obama by just two points heading into Election Day, according to a new tracking poll released Sunday by Investors Business Daily.

    Overall, McCain trails Obama by 2.1 percentage points — 46.7 percent to 44.6 percent, with 8.7 percent not sure — in the tracking poll released Sunday by IBD and its polling partner, the TechnoMetrica Institute of Policy and Politics (TIPP).

    So, who you gonna believe?

  3. Yonason – Is it a one way ticket? You stalled all along claiming you needed your Rov’s okay. Now when your feeling confident you remember? Last I asked you told me you still hadn’t asked…

  4. Go to right now and select either Ohio or PA and start making calls! I called a lot of Jewish voters over the weekend, using the link that was posted in the article here a few days ago about the meeting in Flatbush.

    Don’t just sit back and let the Annointed One win easily. We can upset him and send him packing to Kenya or Indonesia, anyplace but the White House.

  5. The democrats and the media have all been bought off by the arabs. The truth has never come out about this subversive. Obama has no birth certificate, did not live in this country for many years of his childhood and has hung out with radical anti American black muslims. Polls show many Jews (and mainstream Americans) will vote for this fraud. I hope the polls are wrong. Unless the polls are wrong, we are in deep trouble.

  6. by the great depression FDR said he would put a chicken in everyones pot. By this depression obama said he would put pot in everyones chicken!!!

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