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Mayor Bloomberg Attends Simchas Bais HaShoeva in Brooklyn

YWPhoto2.jpgDuring Sukkos, Mayor Michael Bloomberg attended the Sephardic Community Federation’s (SCF) annual Simchas Beis Hashoeva in Flatbush, Brooklyn.  According to SCF Executive Vice President David Greenfield, the Mayor joined over one-hundred Sephardic community leaders on Sunday night for SCF’s annual Sukkos gathering, which was hosted in the Sukkah of renowned community leader Jack Avital.

“The Mayor has always been a great friend to not just the Sephardic community, but to the entire Jewish community,” said Greenfield.  “He has repeatedly demonstrated a willingness to listen to our concerns, as well as a readiness to address those concerns.”

Sephardic Chief Rabbi Shaul Kassin gave the Mayor a bracha that he should have hatzlacha in his work on behalf of the City.  In addition to Mayor Bloomberg, Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz, Councilman Domenic Recchia, Councilman Mike Nelson and Councilman Lew Fidler also attended the Sukkos celebration.

The Mayor spent over an hour in the Sukkah chatting with community leaders. After a glowing introduction by David Greenfield, the Mayor expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to spend some time with the community on Sukkos and spoke about the challenges that New York City will face in the months and years ahead.

(Dov Gordon – YWN NYC)

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