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Obama Says he Didn’t Know Aunt’s Illegal Status

obama l.jpgBarack Obama’s aunt, revealed this week to be dwelling in a Boston slum, is living in the United States illegally, refusing to leave the U.S. for her Kenyan homeland when a judge rejected her request for asylum four years ago, the Associated Press is reporting.

A person familiar with the case told AP that 56-year-old Zeituni Onyango was told to leave America by a U.S. immigration judge in 2004.

Two separate sources, one of them a federal law enforcement official, disclosed and confirmed information about the deportation case.

Speaking to a reporter with the London Times, outside her home, Zeituni Onyango, 56, confirmed she was indeed the “Auntie Zeituni” so affectionately described in Obama’s best-selling memoir, “Dreams From My Father.”

In the memoir, Obama wrote: “If Jane or Zeituni ever felt ill, if their companies ever closed or laid them off, there was no government safety net. There was only family, next of kin, people burdened by similar hardship. Now I was family, I reminded myself. Now I had responsibilities.”

Onyango declined to answer most other questions about her relationship with the presidential contender until after the Nov. 4 election. “I can’t talk about it, I just pray for him, that’s all,” she told the Times, adding: “After the 4th, I can talk to anyone.”

Obama campaign spokesman Reid Cherlin confirmed to the Boston Herald yesterday that Onyango, who lives on Flaherty Way in South Boston, is Obama’s aunt on his father’s side.

The AP could not reach Onyango immediately for comment. It was unclear why her request for asylum was rejected in 2004.

It was not immediately clear how Onyango might have qualified for public housing with a standing deportation order.

Boston Housing Authority spokesman Bill McGonagle told the Herald she received a small stipend over the past year for working six hours a week as a volunteer resident health advocate in her complex.

“Auntie Zeituni” recently made a $260 campaign contribution to her nephew’s presidential bid from a work address in the city. She proudly displays photos of Obama, including some that appear as old as 25 years, inside her first-floor apartment, McGonagle said.

A message left at Onyango’s apartment was not returned.

McGonagle asked that the media respect Onyango’s privacy. “She is feeling very put upon,” he said.

The Obama campaign responded: “Sen. Obama has no knowledge of her status but obviously believes that any and all appropriate laws should be followed,” Obama campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki said.

(Source: Associated Press)

18 Responses



    – After sitting in church for 20 years with a ranting and raving pastor (Rev.Wright), HE DIDN’T KNOW that he said G-d d-mn America…
    – After serving on several boards, sharing the podium several times with Bill Ayers & starting his political career in Bill Ayers’ home, he didn’t know that he set bombs on U.S. soil & doesn’t regret it to this day.
    – the same with all his other associations, HE DIDN’T KNOW that they were antisemites…
    – And now HE DIDN’T KNOW that his aunt lives here in the U.S., and HE DIDN’T KNOW that she’s here illegal…


    VOTE McCAIN!!!

  2. Bottom line is, there are too many unanswered question outstanding.

    #3 is right.
    Use your brain
    Vote Mccain,

    Don’t be insane,
    Don’t vote Hussein.

    Though she’s trailin,
    Vote palin.

    Hope you’re decidin
    To say no to Biden

  3. Another story & another excuse! With Mc Cain, @least we know what we’re getting urself into! With Oh!(NO!!)Bama, everyday there’s another surprise!!!!!!

    Use ur brain, vote Mc Cain!!

  4. And let’s not forgot his dear brother living in Kenya. I wonder if he’s has pictures of Obama hanging in his hut.
    By the way, he mentioned that if someone lost their job, then they didn’t have the government to fall back on…
    people have to fend for themselves! Enough of the welfare state garbage!

  5. Interesting that Boston Housing Authority spokesman Bill McGonagle tells us to respect an illegal alien’s privacy. Where is he when everyone is invading Joe the Plumber’s privacy? I don’t heat the cilvil rights activists protesting the extensive research being done by pro-obama followers because Joe the Plumber dared ask a question that had an answer that backfired.

  6. Are we to believe yet again and again and again….-he did not know anything? How many times can one get away with no answer and get a free pass from the morally compromised media?
    Americans will wake up on Wed morning in total disbelief that we have allowed an inexperienced leader of questionable character to hold the keys of power of this country simply because of his superior oratory skills and not because of his abilities or policies.On the contrary,on most issues he has proven to be wrong or at the very least inconsistent or not truthful. He has little or no record of any achievement in the US Senate and because of his skin color, John McCain went out of his way to ignore most of the troubling aspects of Mr.Obama’s character for fear of being accused a racist i.e. Rev. Wright.
    If you are reading this and consider yourself honest and objective ask yourself:
    Who is professor Kalidi?
    Who is Bill Ayres?
    Who is Rev. Wright?
    On many of these associations the plot keeps thickening.What does the LA Times have that it refuses to share? Do you smell a cover up? This is called reverse discrimination.The LA times should be boycotted by advertisers until they give up this video even after the election.Freedom of the press goes both ways. The LA times should be ashamed and punished by the American public for withholding a potential game changer.
    Americans have the right to know if we can or cannot trust our elected officials.Denials and stonewalling may work but for just so long. The truth is we do not know this man. It is an honest statement when we say- we have no real idea of his religious ideology or his real feelings about Jews. His bio is incomplete, his history mostly unknown.His associations questionable. This is for the American Presidency not some city council. Shame on the media and shame on us if we allow an incomplete vetting.This is not fear mongering it is legitimate to question and finish the investigative job that has been left undone by a bias media.
    For so many reasons we must encourage our brethren and like minded friends to vote for our core beliefs and our values.
    Mr. Obama does not share the values of the Jewish community plain and simple.We value family, religion and life. The democratic party is out of step with our fundamental core values. To argue this factual point only shows how brain washed many have become even in our own community. As we get deeper into this financial disaster Mosdos and Yeshivos that were being supported by our dwindling G’virim will sadly suffer more under an Obama Presidency. Non- public schools already left to basically fend for themselves will be crushed under the Democrats who are beholden to the powerful teacher unions. We are in terrible trouble now as a community. Eretz Yisroel already facing tough decisions with a friend currently sitting in the oval office, will be forced by an Obama administration to make unthinkable concessions, G-d forbid. Do you doubt that? This is a Palestinian’s dream come true. Obama’s current advisers are not our best friends. Check it out.
    The bottom line is-
    There is very little room for error and now is the time to stop this potential disaster before its too late.Open your eyes America, behind the cover lies a great untrustworthy unknown-BEWARE! It is obvious that the media has become so worthless and discredited,their obvious bias has muddied the water.Don’t trust them or their polls.
    Urge your friends to vote for America. Vote for McCain.

  7. He didn’t know his aunt was a kenyan? That makes sense. He also doesn’t know that he is going to be the worst thing for the US since bread became unsliced. Or he does know that and he just isn’t telling us? Hmmm…

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