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Illinois House Speaker Madigan Visits Chicago Mosdos

is.jpgJust two weeks ago, many Chicago mosdos were host to Illinois House Speaker and Democratic Party Chairman Michael J. Madigan in a visit organized by the Agudath Israel Midwest Regional office.  For the first time in more than twenty-five years, Speaker Madigan had the opportunity to see first-hand some of the schools, institutions, and synagogues that serve the vibrant Chicago Orthodox community.  At each stop, Speaker Madigan met with askanim, educators and religious leaders.  Some of the mosdos visited were Congregation Adas Yeshurun, the Ida Crown Jewish Academy and the Joan Dachs Bais Yaacov Academy.

Speaker Madigan’s commitment to the frum community has been evident from his long-standing support of the Chicago metropolitan area busing program, enacted by the Illinois Legislature through the hard work of religious State Senator Ira Silverstein.  The program has provided over 2000 children attending Orthodox day schools with busing transportation each year since 2006.  Community leaders took great pride in hosting the Speaker and showing him a variety of Torah institutions at their very best.  Speaker Madigan was especially impressed with the community’s generous spirit as evidenced by his time spent at the Chicago Chesed Fund warehouse.

Rabbi Yehiel Kalish, National Director of Government Affairs of Agudath Israel stated, “It was a pleasure to welcome Speaker Madigan.  The Chicago frum community is grateful for the Speaker’s continued commitment to meeting the needs of our mosdos and our families.  We look forward to working with him in the coming years.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

One Response

  1. In the picture is Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst, the Agudah Dayan to the left. The red bearded man is Yechiel Kalish and the black bearded man is, I think, Rabbi Simcha Adelman from Joan Dachs Bais Yaacov elementary school (not Academy).

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