Man Convicted in Stabbing of London Hatzolah Volunteer

hatzolahbus3.jpgLondon, UK –  A man faces jail after he was convicted of stabbing a London Hatzolah member. Mohamed Jama Ahmed, 37, of London, was found guilty of two charges of GBH with intent and one of stealing a car at Wood Green Crown Court on October 16, the Jewish Chronicle reports.

43-year-old Hatzolah volunteer Zvi Hammond was off duty and sitting in his car at the time of the attack in Golders Green on April 25 (reported HERE on YWN). He was stabbed twice and suffered life-threatening injuries including a collapsed lung, but Boruch Hashem recovered – and was in court to see Ahmed convicted.

A second Jewish man was also attacked by Ahmed on the same evening. He was stabbed in the abdomen and also made a full recovery.

The incidents were not treated as race hate crimes.

Detective Sergeant Amanda Collier, of Barnet Police, said: “I hope this brings some justice and closure to the families involved in what can only be described as a heinous attack on innocent members of the public. The streets of Golders Green are safer now that this man is no longer free.”

Ahmed was remanded in custody and will be sentenced on November 27.

2 Responses

  1. how is this not a race crime ?
    two jews in one day by a muslim man
    if it walks like a duck talks like a duck acts like a duck ITS A DUCK

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