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ADL Slams Email Sent to Jewish Voters In Pennsylvania

adl1.jpgMore than 75,000 Jews throughout the Keystone state got an email last Thursday from the “Republican Federal Committee of PA – Victory 2008” that compares a victory by Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., to Nazi victories before the Holocaust.

The e-mail suggested that a vote for Barack Obama would be a “tragic mistake,” and “Jewish Americans cannot afford to make the wrong decision,” adding that “many of our ancestors ignored similar warning signs in the 1930s and 1940s. Let’s not make a similar one this year!”

On Tuesday, the Associated Press reports that a former Pennsylvania Supreme Court justice is apologizing for signing the e-mail.

Sandra Schultz Newman says she regrets that she didn’t review the final draft more carefully before it was released.

Newman says “Some of the language was inappropriate and intemperate.” And she’s apologizing to anyone who was offended by what she describes as “this misguided e-mail.”

Meanwhile, Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director and a Holocaust survivor, issued the following statement:

Ugly, divisive personal attacks against a candidate for any political office should never be acceptable, and using Holocaust analogies is completely beyond the pale. 

Regardless of which candidate one supports, it is shocking and profoundly distressing that anyone would see fit to make such an odious, false and repugnant analogy.  Not only does it further debase the level of our political discourse, but it also diminishes and trivializes the virulent anti-Semitism and Nazi aggression that led to the slaughter of six million Jews and millions of others.

We hope that the signatories of this letter and those responsible for its dissemination will repudiate its message and apologize to both the candidate and the Jewish community.

(Moshe Altusky – YWN)

13 Responses

  1. I agree with this e-mail. Did anyone forget about the internment camps in the Southwest or Barack Obama’s claims that reparations are needed to right the wrongs of slavery? Or how about Louis Farrakhan claiming that Barack Obama is the Messiah?

  2. There are actually a lot of similarities with the way Hitler Yemach Shemo rose to power in Germany. I for one am very frightened. I just keep reminding my self that Hashem runs the world and that even though we don’t understand the plan, there is a plan.

  3. #4, sure. When Joe the Plumber pointed out to Obama to his face that he was lying about his tax increases, Joe was immediately subjected to an audit by the IRS. #3, Obama is lying about his plans concerning reparations. Just go to David Horowitz’s website to find out more. The Nazis used code words to sanitize their extermination of the Jews.

  4. This is pathetic fear mongering at its worst.

    The only similarities between Obama and Hitler are that both were charismatic orators. The attempt to bully Jewish voters into voting a certain way is nothing new but is still disgraceful.

    An educated voter makes his/her decision based on the issues and what each candidate is going to do for us, not based on transparent scare tactics.

    I will not be voting for Obama because I disagree with him on many issues, particularly his economic policy, however scare tactics, mud slinging, and the people who use them do not decide for me.

  5. #5 – Obama is not in control of the IRS. If Joe the Plumber was audited, it was not because Obama ordered the IRS to conduct it. And what do reparations have to do with the Jews? It is completely crazy how the frum community has been deluded to think that Obama is evil. HE IS A US SENATOR, not some thug off the street! Have some respect! We can disagree on the issues, but him being like Hitler is a crazy assertion and has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ISSUES!

  6. As far as I am concerned race has nothing to do with it. Forget that he is black, forget that he is sympathetic to the Moslems. Barak Obama is a socialist. You won’t be able to hide behind political correctness when socialism becomes facism. In the beginning of Hitlers rise in Germany his was the socialist party that was going to make things better for the man on the street. The hate and fear was slowly put into place and he was all ready with someone to blame. Enter the Jews. It won’t matter if you are a liberal or a conservative, religious or not. What will matter is that you are a Jew.

  7. Of course the ADL will defend Obama. They are a left-wing group, and Obama is a left-wing radical–a man after their own heart.

    We often forget that Hitler was a Socialist–a National Socialist.

    This is not an ordinary election, and Obama is not a mainstream candidate. He is hiding all his information from scrutiny. He has a hidden agenda.

  8. This notion of comparison is juvenile at best. I am surprised that people here, who I assume are intelligent and detail oriented are buying into this knee-jerk, anti-black, based SPECULATION about Obama.

    I would really like to see a proof or even circumstantial evidence that would lead one to NOT make a faulty conclusion that Obama is even in the same universe as Yemach Shemo.

    Regarding Joe the Plumber? Too bad. I was poor and realized that to move up, I needed not just a better paying job, but a MUCH better paying job because I would have no help with certain expenses. That is the way it goes. You move up in pay, we ALL have to see if it’s a move up worthwhile. Sometimes, unless you move up in pay a lot, we all think twice about it. Plus, Joe, get your license and do a good job.

  9. No problem. If your ancestors were the Nazis than maybe you owe me reparations because my father was in a concentration camp. As far as what I said about internment camps, this was an item that was documented on Or, you don’t believe in reading other websites other than Yeshiva World News? But, than again, Louis Farrakhan as a good Muslim that he is has said, and the video is on YouTube that the Jewish religion is a gutter religion.

    But, then again, Mohammed started calling for the destruction of the Jewish people after he saw he was not able to convert them. And Hitler, YM”SH met with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. Of course they had nothing better to do than to discuss how to set up such websites as Debbie Schlussel’s,, Jihad Watch, and Daniel Pipe’s all that have accurately documented how the Muslims have co-oped old fashioned Anti-Semitism for new fangled Wahhabism. Or, are you a kufar?

  10. Some people see anyone who reads between the lines and doesn’t sound kile the Media as ‘uneducated’.
    Didn’t Obama say at his outset that with a name like “Hussain” he could improve US’s image in the Arab world???
    Didn’t he say that the Palastenian people are the ones who suffer the most unworthy suffering???
    Don’t you realize the effect of sitting for years upon years listening to preachings of hate and extremazm???
    and it could go on and on…

  11. and one more thing:
    Anyone who thinks that the way our Government is set up there’s no way he could do any harm, first of all, foreign affairs is the area the president has the most power in, as everyone knows.
    And second, with a democratic congress he could bring up anything that is already taken as status quo to be re-evaluates and re-debated (such as the US’s position on Hamas, or state sponsoring Terrorism, Jerusalem, Immigration requirements…..), and don’t under-estimate his rhetorical abilities to inspire and inflate nothing into sky-scrapers…

  12. comparing obama to hitler is extreme, but we should still not even consider voting for him.
    obama will raise taxes like crazy, negotiate with iran, not drill for american oil, put super liberal judges in supreme court, and generaly send this country (and the rest of the world) down the tubes.

    #3, that’s EXACTLY what people said in germany right before the holocaust: these people are educated, enlightened, blah blah, nothing will ever happen HERE!

    And by the way, bacci40, obama’s advisers are all anti-israel. if you deny this, look up:

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