The Latest Headline On The Drudgereport

ob.jpgThe following is the current headline on the Drudgereport: “ABCCBSNBCNYTLATWSJCNNMSNBCAPREUTERS AFPPOLITCOFTTIMEWASHPOSTNEWSWEEK: CAN THEY ALL BE WRONG?” Along with that headline is the photo attached to this story.

The above stands for media outlets: ABC, CBS, NBC, NY Times, LA Times, Wall Street Journal, CNN, MSNBC, AP, Reuters, AFP, Politico, FT, TIME, Washington Post, Newsweek.

Besides for the headline and the photo, there is no story.

What is Matt Drudge – arguably the single most powerful journalist – trying to say?

We leave that up to you to decide.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

13 Responses

  1. He is supposed to be mimicing Superman by the way he is standing. I think the flag waving behind him symbolizes Superman’s cape.

  2. We Klap ushamny… Blow shofar… Say al Cahit… to wake up and do tshuva and alert us… Lhavdil Matt Drudge says, McCain needs every single vote, to get them all wrong, its a alert to scare all republicans and Americans…

  3. This is so typical Drudge. When he’s breaking a story and doesn’t have all the info yet he posts the headline with no link & when he has it all together he puts up the link. Its a fabulous scheme that only Drudge with his unique set-up can do.

  4. Rosenbaum- Drudge does not get hacked and he sure doesn’t write things because he is bored…take a closer look at what he put up front. Let me know when you see a patern…

  5. or that the mass media have decided that Obama will win the election (and the answer to the second part, is to note how Alf Landon and Thomas Dewey were also “elected” by the media and polls).

  6. He’s actually NOT a Republican, he just went after Clinton to get his start so people assume that is the case. Anyone who knows Matt Drudge’s history knows that he also despises McCain.

    The reason he is the most visited website on the internet is because he says the truth, the blunt, hard cold truth, no matter which side of the aisle it upsets.

    As for this headline he is trying to do the following. Most of the polls all show Obama with a HUGE lead, some less, some more, and yes, some even show it with a slight lead, but more or less the majority of them show Obama in good shape. That along with the picture of a “standing tall” Obama and the headline seem to point that despite GOP talking points (and wishful thinking) that the polls are all misleading, Drudge is asking the tough question …. CAN THEY ALL REALLY BE WRONG??

  7. He is mimicing Superman by the way he is standing. The flag waving behind him symbolizes Superman’s cape. In other words, he sees himself as a Superhero who’s going to save the world.

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