ATF Disrupts Plot to Assassinate Obama and 102 Black People

obama1.jpgA skinhead plot to assassinate Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama in Tennessee has been thwarted by the ATF.

In court records unsealed tonight, agents from the American Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) said they had also disrupted what are thought to be related plans to rob a gun store and target an unnamed but predominantly African-American high school in a murder spree.

The agency said the alleged attack also threatened to shoot or decapitate 102 black people in the state of Tennessee. 

The plot was apparently being planned by two neo-Nazi skinheads who have been detained by US police.

18 Responses

  1. Why you ask? Because people are full of hate. Its been going on for thousands of years. Why are you surprised? That is the better question.

  2. I would not be surprised to find it’s a clever gimmick by the Lib-Dems to foist an apparent plot on the public to prick their consciences; “oh, wow! How awful” Yes, quite awful, but —of course,—discovered in the nick of time. It is too full of obviousness to be legitimate.

    I also absolutely deplore such hate-based violence. but I also am extremely skeptical of the Hollywood-production types that could have thought this up. Why Now? Why Tennessee?

  3. You may be interested to know that Malcolm X (Y’S) said that the Jews in the US owe a lot to the Blacks. He speculated that if there would be no Blacks in the US, all the hatred of the (Christian) Whites would be focused on the Jews.

  4. glatekup
    your comment is despicable you might not agree with Obama but public Chilul Hashem in a public forum is unacceptable.

  5. Unfortunately, if Obama is elected, the haters are going to come out of the woodwork. It will be a great recruiting tool for them. And if glatekup thinks they will reserve their hatred and violence for blacks he/she apparently hasn’t studied much history.

    The KKK was against Catholics, blacks and Jews. Skin-heads don’t just target blacks; they target people with non-white skin and Jews. People from other countries. People with accents.

    Aside from the huge chillul HaShem involved, the ignorance of comments 9 and 10 is overwhelming.

  6. To those of you who think this is a staged Democratic plot, remember that the ATF is part of the Federal Government and the agency is certainly headed by a Republican. Skinheads are generally losers who have a violent streak, but seem to lack the intellect to plot anything other than the simplest action. They dislike us as much as they dislike blacks and foreigners. We should applaud these arrests.

  7. We do not condone violence against people and candidates we do not like or approve of. Assassination of a public figure,no matter how much we dislike him or disagree with him,can only cause us more grief and harm. Let things be as Hashem makes them happen. Vote for the candidate whom you prefer and others to do likewise. Hate “jokes” are never acceptable. We ( Jews) don’t appreciate it when we are targeted. Robin Hood should NOT become in charge.Sodom was destroyed and USA should not follow its ways.

  8. this story is made up and if not there was no real threat it is basicly impossible to rob a gun store as all the employees carry fully loaded weopons and can use them very well and even if they do succeed the cops are on their tail and no shooting spree would take place!

  9. #11 you fail to see evil obama is not just a misguided liberal hes an evil piece of human debris. hes pro terrorists he had dinner with noted terrorists in his home on many occasions hes another hitler, and for anyone to turn a blind eye is simply irresponsible naive & wrong.

  10. 22, if you want to make your point, you don’t need to engage in the same distasteful rhetoric. Doesn’t give you any extra points or cred.

  11. sharpestnail, 102 = 88 + 4. These numbers are significant to neo-nazies; the 88 represents HH, which stands for Heil Hitler ym”s (since H is the 8th letter of the alphabet); 14 is the numbers of words in the white aryan manifesto. (other sources indicate they planned to kill 88 people using one method & 14 people using another).

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