Just over one week before the presidential election, U.S. Sen. Joseph Lieberman, I-Conn, said he will continue to work hard to elect Republican John McCain but is prepared to embrace a Barack Obama presidency.
“I have a lot of respect for Senator Obama. He’s bright, eloquent. Some day I might even support him for president,” he told a handful of state journalists Friday afternoon from his home in Stamford.
Lieberman had just returned from New Hampshire, his most recent stop along the campaign trail, for Shabbos.
“I’m working my heart out for John McCain to be elected our next president,” Lieberman said. “But if for whatever reason he is not, I’m going to do everything I can to be bringing people . . . together across part lines to support the new president so he can succeed. What’s at stake for our country is just too serious.”
A self-described “independent Democrat” since being re-elected in 2006 after losing the party’s primary, Lieberman said he will head to Florida Sunday and has plans to stump for McCain in Pennsylvania and Ohio.
The nearly half-hour teleconference marked Lieberman’s first interview with state newspapers in weeks. He fielded questions about the tone of the campaign, McCain’s choosing Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin for vice president and about the financial crisis.
“(McCain) is ready to be our president at this very difficult time, and Senator Obama is not as ready,” Lieberman said. “It’s as direct as that.”
Lieberman said he believes Palin would be ready for the job.
“Let’s hope she never has to be ready, because we hope McCain is elected and lives out his term,” Lieberman said. “But if, God forbid, an accident occurs or something of that kind, she’ll be ready. She’s had executive experience. She’s smart. And she will have had on-the-job training.”
(Source: The Advocate)
4 Responses
It’s good to see that one politician has his head screwed on straight and it might be because of his pintele yid!!
It is more than just a pintele yid, he is a shomer shabbos shomer mitzvos yid.
Don’t get carried away. Here is a Yid who said nothing supportive of Israel when he was running for VP. He expressed acceptance for intermarriage in a radio interview and to a great degree is responsible for Pollard remaining in jail.
I agree with #3, Lieberman is doing this to make up with the Democrats who will unfortunately probably control the white house and both houses of congress in a couple of months.
#5, Lieberman couldn’t have said anything about Israel because the Democrats aren’t big on supporting Israel and they wouldn’t have been too happy if he had.