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Simcha Felder Constituents Divided On Term Limits Bill

felder.jpgCity Councilman Simcha Felder’s constituents in the 44th Council District, which encompasses parts of Borough Park, Midwood, and Bensonhurst have clear opinions when it comes to whether the City Council should extend term limits, without a vote by the people.

“Nobody’s above the law and the law says two terms, and after that, you’re out,” said one resident. “Let’s be law abiding citizens and it should start with the mayor.”

“For Bloomberg, yes, [extend the term limits],” countered another. “I think the public we should be able to do it on a vote on this and I’m totally opposed to that. They shouldn’t make the decision,” said a third. “We should.”

That’s how 75 percent of people responded to a NY1 poll, saying voters should decide the issue by referendum.

Felder is front and center on the term limits question, but not because he’s announced his position. The Democrat chairs the Governmental Operations Committee, which is the body overseeing the hearings on Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s plan to extend term limits.

He is known as one of the mayor’s closest supporters on the council, but because of that some have questioned whether he should be in charge of the process.

Felder has maintained he’s objective and undecided on term limits. Felder’s office released a statement today saying, “As chair of the Governmental Operations Committee holding hearings on this legislation, it would be inappropriate for Councilman Felder to take a public position on this issue at this time. He is currently focused on holding hearings and reviewing public testimony and looks forward to making a public decision in the near future.”

While Felder may be a close ally to the mayor, his constituents’ opinions are mixed. One thing they have in common, they are very passionate about how they feel.

“No, no Bloomberg should be out,” said one constituent. “He was a very good mayor for the city and I think he should run again,” said another. “We like the way he’s doing his job,” said yet another.

A council vote on the mayor’s plan could come as early as Thursday.

(Source: NY1)

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