Colin Powell Endorses Barack Obama For President

powell.jpgFormer Secretary of State Colin Powell has endorsed Democrat Barack Obama for president, describing the Illinois senator as a “transformational figure,” – the Associated Press reports.

Powell says both Obama and Republican John McCain are qualified to be commander in chief. But, in an interview Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” he said Obama is better suited to handle the nation’s economic problems as well as help improve it’s standing in the world.

Powell expressed disappointment in the negative tone of McCain’s campaign, as well as in his choice of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as the Republican vice presidential nominee. Powell says he does not believe Palin is ready to take over as president, if necessary.

28 Responses

  1. here is the guy who was for the war, actually advised FOR it, and he backs obama. how come there is no one screaming racism. he is backing him solely because he is black. there is no way in hell he backs obama’s socialist ideals! if he thinks that no one will see through this sham, hes lost his mind. he is technically more conservative then mccain! how in gods name does he go out and back a marxist. this is the end of powell. he is finished. i guess all those years of being called an uncle tom got to him. he should have kept his mouth shut. he will go down as a failure as a secretary of state, and a failure as a conservative. and to think republicans onced heavily favored this fool as a favored presidential nominee. i hope condi rice and clarence thomas dont follow suit. (condi, who knows, no way clarence will, though i think sitting secretaries and supremes dont endorse people. but you never know, since obama is the messiah and all!)

  2. Who cares what he says.He became an anti-establishment anti-conservative while he was sec’y of state and whatever he says,the opposite is good. The State Dept had a negative effect on him.

  3. Lets consider the facts here:

    Powell has been mouthing off against the Republican party and particularly Conservatives for a while so this is not a real surprise.

    #2, this is TOTALLY race related. Ill bet if Obama wasn’t a brother he wouldn’t have made a big to do about who he was supporting.

  4. “Powell says he does not believe Palin is ready to take over as president, if necessary”

    OK, so let m get this straight – accoding to powell, someone who actually has real life governing responsibilities is not qualified to be VP and possibly President in the event the McCain should not complete his term, however a community organizer with no real life governing responsibilites is capable of being President.

    doesn’t make any sense to me.

  5. loi lechinam holach zarzar aitzel oirav elo mipnai shehu beminoi.

    We gotta do real teshuva.

    If he wins it’s bad, but if he loses the BROTHERS are gonna blame it on us.

    Ah gutten moied.

  6. this guy is a senile wacko, besides that black man will never win, everyone is a racist in the polling booth.
    and #1 get a life

  7. Jason, have you forgot we are galus?? What are you thinking? What exactly would happen if a non jewish person or an African-American looked at this website and saw the pure idiocy which you wrote. You should be ashamed of yourself, and besides Barak Obama is going to be a great president and lead this country out of this economic pit.

  8. I also hold the screener of this website 100 percent accountable for allowing these unintelligent racist pigs to post their ignorant thoughts. Shame on you! I pity you and all these people for not having the self control to restrain their disgusting comments.

  9. #14 ywhocker

    oh my, you mean there are more Torah observant Jews who are not unintelligent racist pigs. You mean there are more beacons of light in the Askenazic community other than the few I know. You mean there are others that understand Hashem doesn’t like ugly.

    Given the flack Sen. Obama got about Rev. Wright. I am seriously considering not visting this site anymore. I have already decreased my visitations. In fact, I think I will cease. Yes, how is that for teshuvah. I will no longer align myself with racist unintelligent folk who claim to be Jewish.

    whoo-hoo!!! It is going to be a good year!!

  10. I am not a racist and I’m not voting for Obama because of his inexperience or for McCain because of his age, health condition and Palin pick. If I don’t find any other candidate on the ballot besides these 2 and that nut Nadar, I’ll just skip the presidential race for the first time in over 30 years. Neither candidate is worthy of the office or of my vote.

  11. #12: i am #1, have no clue why it was anonymous, but why should i get a life. nothing i said is untrue. as teh great rush limbagh, titan of conservatism said today:

    “Secretary Powell says his endorsement is not about race,” Limbaugh wrote in an e-mail. “OK, fine. I am now researching his past endorsements to see if I can find all the inexperienced, very liberal, white candidates he has endorsed. I’ll let you know what I come up with.”

    “I was also unaware of his dislike for John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Anthony Kennedy and Antonin Scalia. I guess he also regrets Reagan and Bush making him a four-star [general] and secretary of state and appointing his son to head the FCC. Yes, let’s hear it for transformational figures.”

  12. whats wrong with obama not everyone can afford to pay taxes and btw i am on this site 24/7 and why are you making fun of his tie he is a credible person

  13. and how many white honkies are voting for osama obama just so they could feel good about themselves for voting for a shucher?? they should be massively ashamed of themselves!

  14. I did have respect for Colin Powell because of his service to the US and his conservative views…this has all been washed down the toilet with his endorsement of the worthless Obama. Don’t call me a racist I think of myself as a realist…Obama is just plain full of it and will be bad if not just terrible for us Jews!

  15. Powell is correct. McCain is not the man you want him to be and Obama is not the wild-eyed, communist, out-of-control, inept person you think he is.

    There are too many reactionary opinions from those I would expect would be more scrupulous than the average person, by looking at the facts; and not superficial mud slinging that is inherited by word of mouth.

    You can bend the facts any way you like. McCain is not SO MUCH better than Barack, if he is better at all.

  16. The Republicans have made an absolute mess of things. They’ve ruined our economy, wrecked our foreign policy, destroyed our financial system, and lost the respect of almost everybody.

    Why elect another Republican just because the other guy has the wrong skin color?

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