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Miami Residents: Problem With Miami Eruv For This Shabbos

There is a strong possibility that the Miami Beach Eruv will not be kosher for this Shabbos, Chol Hamoed Sukkos. This can be very problematic for many folks who are relying on the Eruv to carry items into their Sukkah. Residents must make arrangements to have their own Eruv from their home to their Sukkah.

Please consult with your Rov as what one should do.
The Miami Beach Eruv Hotline number is 305-866-3788.

(Yehuda Drudgestein / YW-113)

7 Responses

  1. amazing! on shabbos chol hamoed ! this is why gezaira draba was made, espeically for now when some one would forget the eruv was down and carry his lulav

  2. #4, the reason a lulav is muktzeh is because there is no use for it on shabbos once Chaza”l made a takana not to take it on Shabbos in fear of someone carrying it!

  3. #5, No more than a shofar. If it’s needed for the mitzvah it’s not muktzeh. The reason we don’t take it on Shabbos is because of gezera derabba.

    According to the Mishneh and the Talmud Yerushalmi, if the first day of yomtov falls on Shabbos, then in Eretz Yisroel one should take the lulav anyway, and gezera derabba doesn’t apply. The Talmud Bavli rules otherwise, and there’s a whole question why. Some rabbonim in EY pasken that nowadays the halacha should change back to that of the Mishneh, and they do take the lulav on the first day even on Shabbos, but most still follow the Bavli and don’t.

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