Simchas Bais Hashoeva: Thursday Night

cover2.jpg1)7:00 PM at K’hal Tzemach Tzedek, 2 Langeries Drive (corner Rt. 306) in Monsey.
Live band, illusion, magic, juggling show and refreshments in the sukkah.

2)Yeshiva Bais Yosef – 1502 Avenue N (Flatbush) 9:00PM in the Yeshiva sukkah.

3)8:00PM at the Atlanta Scholars Kollel 1855 Lavista Rd. Atlanta, GA 30329

4)8:30PM at Bais Medrash Birchas Hanachal D’Chasidei Breslov – 70 Main Street, Monsey N.Y. 10952.

5)Cong Torah V’emunah – being held at the Zalman Cohen Residence – 8:15pm tonight 1020 Ne 178th Terr North Miami Beach Florida.

6)Telshe Yeshiva (Chicago) – 3535 Foster at 8:00PM.

7)Oorah Simchas Bais Hashoeva will be held at 9:00PM in G’vul Yavetz on Coney Island Avenue (Flatbush).

8)7:30 PM – Yeshiva PTI, 441 Passaic Avenue, Passaic, New Jersey.

9)Chabad of Queens College Simchas Beis Hashoeva from 5-10 69th Ave between Main and 147 Streets

10)K’hal Adas Yeshurun of Washington Heights (Breuer’s) in the Sukkah located in the playground of Yeshiva Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch, 85 Bennett Ave. In case of rain it will be held in 90 Bennett Ave. (Manhattan). Rav Zecharia Gelley Shlita and Rav Yisroel Mantel shlita will speak.

11)Agudas Yisroel of Edison Highland Park at the Shul, 1131 Raritan Ave, Highland Park NJ, beginning at 8:15 p.m.  Divrei Torah, live music and refreshments.  All are invited.

12)Yeshiva of New Haven, Connecticut 7:30PM Rabbi [and Rebbetzin] Daniel Greer Sukkah – 133 West Park Avenue; live music, dancing, juggling, much more.

13)Rav Avrohom Schorr –

14)Satmar at 9:00

15)Bobov Sukkah – 48th Street 9:30

16)Skver – in New Square

17)Viznitz Monsey at 9:00

18)Munkatch Sukkah – 14th Avenue 11:00

19)Kavunas Halev at 8:20 (Boro Park)

20)Viznits (Williamsburg) at 9:30

21)Stolin Bais Medrash – 16th Avenue  10:00

22)Ungvar Bais Medrash (Hagon Rav Menashe Klein Shlita) – 8:30

23)Belz Monsey at 8:30

24)Yeshiva Bais Medrash Elyon at 8:30

25)Skulen Rebbe in his Sukkah

26)Stolin in Lakewood at 9:00

27)Shinev (Monsey)

28)Tosh Bais Medrash in Monsey (Maple Avenue) at 9:00

29)Breslov in Monsey at 8:30

30)Bobov Sukkah – 14th Avenue

31)Rachminstrivka Sukkah (Boro Park) 9:00

32)Sanz Klausenberg 1030

33)Kosov Rebbe at 9:00

34)Yeshiva Spring Valley at 8:00

35)Nikelsburg (Mosey) at 10:00

36)8:30-10:00PM at Kollel Institute of Greater Detroit.

37)Yeshivas Beis Shmuel on Rechov Panim Meiros (Yerushalayim)

38)Yeshivas Shaarei Bina on Rechov Sanhedria (Yerushalayim)

39)Yeshivas Nachlas David in Petach Tikva

40)Yeshivas Maor Yitzchak – Chemed

41)Yeshivas Chevron – Givas Mordechai (Yerushalayim)

42)Yeshivas Derech Chochma – Har Nof

43)Yeshivas Bircas Yitzchak – Ohr Yehuda

44)Yeshivas Slabodka – Bnei Brak

45)Yeshivas Grodneh – Ashdod

46)Yeshivas Kneset Yechezkel – Elad

47)Yeshivas Shalabim

48)Yeshivas Tiferes Halevy (Yerushalayim)

49)Yeshivas Maor Hatalmud – Rechivot – at Masmidim (Yerushalayim)

50)Yeshivas Ohr Baruch Yerushalayim [afternoon]

51)Yeshivas Bais Mair

52)Yeshivas Be’er Hatalmud (Yerushalayim)

53)Yeshivas Chedvas Hatalmud – Kiryat Sefer

54)Yeshivas Mevakshey Hashem – Givat Shaul

55)Meshech Chochma Shul – Kiryat Sefer

56)Chabd / Lubavitch on Kingston Avenue

As in past years, YWN will once again post the locations of as many Simchas Bais Hashoeva’s that we know of – along with a large album of Sukkos photos. Please help us by submitting your info to [email protected] Make sure to write which night, time, and location.

Feel free to submit any photos of interest from Sukkos – which will be posted immediately after Simchas Torah. Photos can be sent to [email protected]

Click HERE to see last years Sukkos photo album.

YWN Staff.

NOTE: There is NO order in the listings, and we only posted those which were submitted.

2 Responses

  1. the largest shimcha bais hasuvah is in crown hights , kinston ave and montgomery st 10 k
    till 6.00 am when the cops break it up there r 800 people dancing @ that time evry night of yom tov even with out music on yom tov night

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