NYC: Public Gets A Chance To Weigh In On Term Limit Bill

bloomberg 2.jpgMany NYC lawmakers have been weighing in on the term limits debate over the past several weeks and now New Yorkers are getting their chance.

The City Council will hold hearings today and tomorrow at City Hall on Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s controversial plan to extend term limits through the council.

Some opponents of the plan are calling for tonight’s hearings to go all night as a show of solidarity.

It comes one day after Bloomberg campaigned in California in favor of a proposition that would prevent lawmakers there from re-drawing their districts. Bloomberg called it a self-serving way for lawmakers to keep themselves in office.

In the city yesterday, the Conflict of Interest Board ruled council members can vote on the term limits measure, even though the legislation affects them. The board found that voting on matters that might affect council members’ personal or political interests does not violate the City Charter.

The council could vote on the measure as early as next Thursday.

(Source: NY1)

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