Continued Concerns Regarding Tzitzis in Eretz Yisrael

tzitzis.jpgBadatz Eida Chareidis officials continue to warn there are many bogus hechsherim in the marketplace and buyer beware.

Badatz officials confirm receiving many complaints from wise and alert consumers who were able to spot ‘defects’ that clued them into fake tzitzis being presented as mehadrin Badatz Eida Chareidis.

In the past, YWN reported (HERE) on the presence of fake tzitzis that are being tied by goyim and sold under a pirated label indicating it has a mehadrin supervision.

The Eida Chareidis is now offering tzitzis prepared and supervised by a mashgiach and the garment is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity which is signed by the mashgiach who supervised the tying.

The Eida Chareidis is also adding a hologram on more and more items, including poultry products, working to make it increasingly difficult and expensive to forge their widely known kashrus symbol.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. Why not describe some of the defects that were found so that people who are not such “wise and alert consumers” can also spot them.

  2. I don’t think the defects were inherent in the tzitzis. I think that since goyim made it, it wasn’t lishmah which makes them posul. It’s not something that a consumer can spot. The only thing you can do is rely on the hechsher.

  3. to simcha613 #3:

    then how come i find zizit (strings only, besides fukll sets) with badatz hechsher that are machine made?

    this has been going on for years!

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