Petira of Rebbitzen Rose Isbee A”H

candle71.gifWe regret to inform you of the Petira of Rebbitzen Rose Isbee A”H, wife of Rav Yehudah Leib Isbee ZATZAL, who was a long-time Rov in the Bronx. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Miriam Weinreib, wife of Rabbi Yonah Weinreib of Flatbush (the noted artist). She also had two sons who were unfortunantly Nifatr already: Rav Yitzchok Isbee ZATZAL – who was the Rov in the Agudah of Avenue L (Agudas Yisroel Bais Binyomin), and Rav Elazar Isbee ZATZAL of Baltimore,.     

The Levaya will be on Sunday morning at 10:00AM in the the Agudah located at 2141 Coney Island Avenue, between Avenues R and S in Flatbush.

The Kevurah will take place in Eretz Yisroel.

Boruch Dayan Emmes….

6 Responses

  1. Baruch Dayan Emes. Rebitzen Isbee was a great lady with aristocratic bearing. I believe that she was the sister of Rav Gedalia Schorr, Zatzal.

  2. she was a tremendous tzadekes who raised wonderful children and merited to also have wonderful eineklech and great chandchildren may she be a malitza tova for all klal yirsroel

  3. We were sort of related so here you go:

    She was NOT a sister to Rav Gedalia Schorr. Rebitzen Shifra Schorr was a sister to Rav Yehudah Leib Isbee ZTL which means she was a sister in law to the nifteres.

  4. Rose Isbee was the sister of Rav Sholem Dov Kowalsky z”l, who lived in Yerushalayim for many years, after retiring from the Young Israel of Hillcrest. He was my brother-in-law. They both lived great lives and contriburted greatly to klal Yisrael in so many ways.
    Y M Goodman

  5. To me Mrs Rose Isbee was Bubby Rose. Even if she wasn’t my grandmother, she was the grandmother of my first cousins and we shared many yom tovim and simchot together.
    She was a wonderful amazing women full of heart and personality. May she be a maylitz yosher for her daughter, and grandchildren and the entire klall Israel

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