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Hamas Blames Golbal Economic Crisis on Jewish Lobby

hamas1.jpgThe terrorist organization Hamas on Tuesday blamed what it called a “Jewish lobby” in the United States for the global financial crisis, AFP reports.

Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhum said in a statement that the crisis was due to “bad administrative and financial management and a bad banking system put into place and controlled by the Jewish lobby.”
While pumping hundreds of billions of dollars into a rescue package, US President George W. Bush has remained silent about “the Jewish lobby that put the US banking and financial sector into place,” he said.
He said the lobby “controls the US elections and defines the foreign policy of any new administration in a manner that allows it to retain control of the American government and economy.”

(Source: AFP / EJP)

8 Responses

  1. never heard anything like that before.

    when any rational goy reads something like this he understands the falseness and how it is generated as pure hate propaganda. nevertheless it strikes a chord deep inside where he agrees wholeheartedly with it.

  2. There’s the old joke about two retired friends sitting on a park bench reading newspapers and one notices that his friend is reading the most anti-semitic paper in print.

    Yossie: Chaim, How can you read that trash? They hate us and print nothing but lies about us!

    Chaim: Yossie, you know, when I read the regular papers, all I see is how much trouble we have and how we have to plead with government leaders to help, so many people are out of work and all the incurable illnesses, R”L, I start to feel so helpless and I get depressed.

    But, when I read what these people write, about how we control the press, the economy, the politicians – the gans velt! You know what? I feel takeh gut!

  3. The way these rishaim talk, they should be scared of us and stay away. In the midwest, a wasp once yelled at me how the Jews killed yushka. If we “killed” their”god” then they should be afraid, very afraid. And according to Hamas, we should be respected like Warren Buffet.

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