NYC Council Split on Term Limits

bloomberg.jpgMayor Michael Bloomberg introduced legislation to the City Council Tuesday that would extend term limits and allow him and other elected city officials to run for a third term in office. Two hearings are set for next week and the 51-member body could vote as early as Oct. 23. NY1 contacted all 51 City Council members to find out where they stand on the issue.


• There are 51 members, including the Speaker.

• 14 say they support the mayor’s bill.

• 16 said they oppose it.

• 21 are undecided.


Maria del Carmen Arroyo, (D) Bronx
*Maria Baez, (D) Bronx
*Leroy Comrie, (D) Queens
*Erik Martin Dilan, (D) Brooklyn
*Lewis Fidler, (D) Brooklyn
*Robert Jackson, (D) Manhattan
*G. Oliver Koppell, (D) Bronx
*Miguel Martinez, (D) Manhattan
*Michael Nelson, (D) Brooklyn
*Domenic Recchia, (D) Brooklyn
*Diana Reyna, (D) Brooklyn
*Joel Rivera, (D) Bronx
*Larry Seabrook, (D) Bronx
*Al Vann, (D) Brooklyn


*Joseph Addabbo, (D) Queens
*Tony Avella, (D) Queens
*Charles Barron, (D) Brooklyn
*Bill de Blasio, (D) Brooklyn
Daniel Garodnick, (D) Manhattan
*James Gennaro, (D) Queens
Vincent Gentile, (D) Brooklyn
*Eric Gioia, (D) Queens
Vincent Ignizio, (R) Staten Island
Letitia James, (D) Brooklyn
*John Liu, (D) Queens
Melissa Mark-Viverito, (D) Manhattan
Rosie Mendez, (D) Manhattan
Annabel Palma, (D) Bronx
James Vacca, (D) Bronx
*David Weprin, (D) Queens


*Gale Brewer, (D) Manhattan
Anthony Como, (R) Queens
Inez Dickens, (D) Manhattan
Mathieu Eugene, (D) Brooklyn
*Simcha Felder, (D) Brooklyn
*Helen Foster, (D) Bronx
*Alan Gerson, (D) Manhattan
Sara Gonzalez, (D) Brooklyn
*Melinda Katz, (D) Queens
Jessica Lappin, (D) Manhattan
Darlene Mealy, (D) Brooklyn
*Michael McMahon, (D) Staten Island
*Hiram Monserrate, (D) Queens
*James Oddo, (R) Staten Island
*Christine Quinn, (D) Manhattan
*James Sanders, (D) Queens
*Helen Sears, (D) Queens
*Kendall Stewart, (D) Brooklyn
*Peter Vallone, (D) Queens
Tom White, (D) Queens
*David Yassky, (D) Brooklyn

9 Responses

  1. anyone here that wants term limits, call simcha felders office. if he gets floods of calls to step aside, as he should, then maybe he will. he technically controls this situation single handily. he is the one who will let it through committee to get to the floor. the people have voted twice on term limits in referendums. if the politicians want more time, let them go back to the people. since they waited to long this time, they all have to leave, and the next batch gets a chance.

  2. #2, I keep calling Felder’s office asking that he quickly suspend term limits so Bloomberg can run for a third term (and so can Felder.)

    Who wants that clueless Weinder, or even much worse Quinn, as the next Mayor!?? Hashem Yerachem.

  3. This is not true! Because Simcha Felder is definitely for it because after runing unsuccesfully for the sennate he can stay in the city council.

  4. The stars next to the names indicate those members that would be forced to leave office at the end of this term if the limits are not extended.

    If you notice, only one of those members without stars went on record as supporting the repeal. They are obviously in favor of term limits since in a new council they will be the senior members and presumably have the speakership and all the plum positions.

  5. #3: we do not need bloomberg! many people can do his job fine. weiner and quinn will be running under the democratic ticket. i am sure the republicans will put someone up if term limits are kept in place.

  6. Mr. Mayor Bloomberg ( Tax-Berg) acts like a DICTATOR.
    In his first year as Mayor he increased taxes in any shape or way witch hit every New Yorker as if the people were guilty of the 9-11 attacks and they made LOTS OF MONEY out of the attack and they have to pay for it. ( he never tried to collect the money that congress voted for $20,000,000,000,.00 the city of NY after 9-11.
    Now the crises of wall street is again the peoples guilt. For Mr. Tax-Berg it looks like no New Yorker lost there job no every body is making more money then in the last few years. So he is talking about increasing taxes and NOT CUTTING ANY THING OF HIS CORRUPTED BUDGET.
    Yes !! Give this DICTATOR an other 4 years.

  7. He is ready to sepnd $$ Eighty Million Dollars to win reelection. B’H Bloomberg will win and keep Weiner and Quinn FAR FAR AWAY from City Hall!

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