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Erev Yom Kippur Photo Roundup


(SEVEN PHOTO ALBUMS) Click HERE to see photos of Kaparos in Eretz Yisroel taken by Yehuda Boltsausher & Co.

Click HERE for photos of the Munkatch Rebbe at Tashlich & Kaparos.

Click HERE for photos of the Sanz Klausenberg Rebbe at Tashlich.

Click HERE for photos of the Nerbartor Rov at Kaparos.

Click HERE to see photos of the special “9-leaf Hadasim” taken by Yehuda Boltsausher. These special haddasim of the Kaufman family in Kiryat Sefer have three mini leaves where each leaf should be, resulting in nine leaves per level. There is also a file photo of HaRav Chaim Kanievsky inspecting these haddasim.

Last night was the annual Erev Yom Kippur memorial lecture leilui nishmas the second yartzheit of HaRav Refoel Green Z”TL, who was a maggid shiur for many years in Yeshvias Staten Island, as well as a Rosh Kollel in Yeshivas Gedolah Matisyahu. The speakers were Rabbi Eliyahu Shain and HaRav Zev Leff, and Rabbi Yaakov Frydman followed by a siyum by Rabbi Gedalia Shutz. Click HERE for photos of the event taken by Yehuda Boltsausher.

Click HERE to see photos taken by Hillel Engel of volunteers of Ezras Cholim Yad Ephraim preparing 2000 meals to be served for distribution in Maimonides Medical Center, Metropolitan Jewish Geriatric Center, and other area medical and healthcare facilities on the upcoming Yom Tov of Sukkos.

2 Responses

  1. Warning: Some of the photos are graphic; showing detailed pic of shchitah. If you are squeamish it might be worth it to skip them.

    PS – are the 3×3 hadassim kosher? What did R’ Chaim shlit”a say?

    Gmar Chasima Tova to Klal Yisroel.

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