NYC Rabbi Claims PETA Sent Threatening e-mails

sh.jpgThe NYPD Hate Crime Task Force is investigating anti-Semitic and threatening e-mails sent to a Brooklyn-based Jewish charity, police told the NY Daily News.

The organization, the National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education, has come under fire from PETA for shechting thousands of chickens at a Brooklyn Kaparos center.

PETA contends the Tzedakah run by Rabbi Shea Hecht throws out most of the slaughtered chickens. Hecht disputes the charge. Hecht conceded that a couple hundred of the roughly 4,000 slaughtered chickens are typically thrown away because they are deemed unkosher. The rest, he said, are distributed to the poor.

The animal rights group urged its supporters last month to write to the charity demanding an end to the Kaparos ritual and a PETA spokesman says the Kaparos is “abusive and unnecessary”.

(YW-782 / Newsday / AP)

10 Responses

  1. Another example how secular people pervert their natural rachmonos. Now they’re going to hate frum Jews in the name of loving chickens. You’ll find some of the most inhuman behavior coming from people who declare they’re “liberals” or “progressives,” when they say they’re looking to “protect” some minority but are really looking to conquer and impose their morals on everyone who does not hold by their secular humanist ideas. First the kesubah lzucharim (“pervert marriages”), now kaparos… who knows what’s next.
    Don’t vote Democratic in the next election, all of them will be forced like Sheldon Silver was to sell us out and vote along party lines, and support laws attacking Torah and frum yidden.

  2. Is there any problem with giving the non-Kosher chickens to non-Jewish Aniyim? I’m sure there are those out there who need food besides Klal Yisrael’s Aniyim. We must think about our fellow human beings as well. I’m not saying Rabbi Hecht did anything terribly wrong, but giving the non-Kosher chickens over to others who may need them willmake a Kiddush HaShem.

  3. What do you expect from people with such warped haskafos that they say they would not allow medical testing on a mouse even if the resulting medicines could cure their own child from a life threatening disease!?!? While the Torah forbids tzar ba’alai chaim, THESE people are SICK!

  4. DovidZSchwartz – Don’t equate PETA with stam secular folk – PETA is a bunch of crazies – they are, l’havdil (or maybe not), akin to Neturi Karta and Vaad Mishmeres HaTznius – zealous nuts!

  5. , I swung my chicken @ NCFJE. Everything was orderly, calm, & the only animal abuse was the chickens leaving deposits on various people’s heads. Peta should concentrate their efforts and energy on protecting children. I wonder, do these morons refuse anti biotics or other medications because their safety was tested on animals before they reached humans? Let’s put the Peta people in dog houses if they love animals so much.

  6. It’s muttar because of Darkei shalom. But Yoni, before giving anybody like R’ Hecht more jobs, why don’t you volunteer to arrange the distribution of treife chickens to goyim on erev YK. especially as if one goy gets sick from a chicken, it’s lawsuit city.
    All the couch potatoes should get up and “DO SOMETHING” before handing more jobs out to the askonim among us.

  7. This needs to be looked into. But thank heaven for PETA! Yes, thank heaven. Too many people have a knee-jerk reaction to things and we inherit too many views about secular things.

    Years back PETA made a VALID find about an inhumane method of hoisting animals, at a kosher slaughter house in Uruguay. They were correct.

    Years back, again, PETA made a VALID find at a huge, now famous slaughter house that proved animals lived for far too long, watching their own guts spilled outside their neck, in violation of shechita standards.

    Our Holy Torah shows greater humanity, in a realistic light, for animals than can be found anywhere else. PETA has written, on their site, an hakaras hatov to Judaism for our compassion, as a religion, for animals.

    PETA is not on a pogrom. They find things and in those two cased I mentioned, it was agreed that the slipshod manner those two places came to operate as, were in violation of shechita.

    I know there will be great alarm to this post, but I am sincere and have looked into why PETA was attacking things about my religion, and I found their investigations to show some merit.

  8. I’m saddened and somewhat surprised to see such coldness and ignorance from a people that I consider to be the world’s most evolved and educated (and am usually proud to be a member of).

    I appreciate the last comment, though, which points out that the Torah is known for its humane laws on the treatment of animals. Seems like some have forgotten.

    Any people exterminated at the hands of madmen (Hitler, by the way, was not a vegetarian for ethical reasons, he had trouble digesting meat) should show a little more compassion for the killing and suffering of others–no matter what species they happen to be.

    And to “bestbubby” who thinks PETA should abandon animals to protect children? They are an animal rights group and there is a place for that. You only encourage anti-Semitism with such inane comments and make things worse for those of us with hearts big enough to care for children AND animals!

    Bottom line: don’t call someone an anti-Semite who is merely trying to protect a living thing from cruelty. PETA will go after anyone who is causing suffering, and that’s why I’m proud to be a member of their organization.

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