Department of Health Fines Monsey Kaparos Center

kap1.jpgThe organizer of a Monsey Kaparos center was fined by the Rockland Department of Health yesterday for leaving the site littered with feces, feathers and trash.

In response to a complaint about bad odors, inspectors went to the privately owned land off Route 306 where the Kaparos center was held.

No chickens – or people – were at the location, said Judith Hunderfund, an engineer with the Department of Health.

“There was a large amount of chicken feces, feathers, food and trash,” she said. “There was also an odor.”

The organizer was cited for two violations of the Rockland sanitary code, and he promised to clean the site.

The Rockland Department of Health will inspect the location again tomorrow, when the center is expected to resume.

The Hudson Valley Humane Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is also inspecting the site regularly to make sure the chickens are being well-treated.

(Journal News)

12 Responses

  1. These Kaparos centers are the source of much Chillul Hashem. The packing of the chickens are horrid and the whole vicinity is entrenched with a foul stench. If I as an orthodox Jew am disgusted by it, imagine someone who is not. Doing kaparos with money is just as good. The ravbanim should ban the chicken practice (ESPECIALLY the ones where you dont even get to do Kisui Hadam).

  2. how in the world is this a chilull hashem in fact its a kidish hashem. what are you basing your premise on because a few goyim don’t like they will always find something against us. The fact of the matter is go to any chicken farm this is how chickens are kept cramped in cages if they have a problem with the treatment of chickens they should start at the chicken farms not by a once a year religious ceremony FYI when you see anywhere that some humane society is involved you should know already that its just plain evil nothing to do with animal well being. but don’t get sucked into the idea that doing a mitzva the way its supposed to be done and has been for the last 100 years or so (in this country)is a chillul hashem chas vishalum

  3. dagoobster,
    How does dirt at the kaporos center constutue hilul Hashem?Are out of your mind?Think before saying something

  4. Why can’t we use money for kapparos?

    It will avoid the chillul hashem!
    It will avoid the איסור of צער בעלי חיים and
    Its an opportunity to give צדקה!!!!

  5. This is a tremendous chillul hashem. There is no need to publicly display every weird aspect of judaism to the entire world! WE ARE IN GALUS HERE! IT WOULD SERVE US WELL TO REMEMBER THAT!!!

  6. eric55,
    Just because chicken farms have it that way, that does not make it right. Granted, if the site is private and the stench cannot reach the public area then one cannot complain about the stench – but most kaparos centers (at least in Brooklyn) are right near main thoroughfares. However, I cannot imagine how one is even allowed to say the words while such a bad odor is present.

  7. This is Chilul Hashem of the first order and those that believe otherwise just need to read our local papers and the blogs written. Not that the non-Jews need a reason to bash us but this year to year occurrence gives the non-Jews a legitimate reason to hate us.

    My family and I have decided to use money this year so that we do not become part of this Chilul Ha-Shem!

  8. Yes it is a minhug, and it is a minhug that Klal Yisroel will not give up. Government or no government intervention. I can think of no government action in the history of galus that caused us to give up a single minhug.


  9. As in all public practices by frum Yidden, we have an obligation to go that extra step so that there is an absolute minimum (and preferably none whatsoever) of “disturbance” or ill-feeling toward frum Yidden. If that means, cleaning the area after every 50 or 60 chickens, then so be it! To do otherwise is contributing to the Chilul HaShem that we must always try to avoid. I’m sure that if this degree of care were given, then there would be very little finger pointing toward our Minhagim (with the exception of course by PETA, which will forever harangue Yidden for as long as Shechita is practiced in America.

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