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Poll Shows New Yorkers Want Mayor Bloomberg Again

bloomyy2.jpgMayor Bloomberg is cutting services, threatening to raise taxes and bending rules to stay in office – but voters still want to hand him four more years, a poll out today shows. New Yorkers favor extending term limits so he can run again 54% to 42%, according to a Quinnipiac University poll.

The survey also shows that more people warmed up to the idea of adding a third term since July when a similar poll showed that just 38% of New Yorkers supported the plan compared to 56% who opposed it.

And the billionaire businessman would blow his competitors away in 2009, the poll suggests. The poll was conducted earlier this week before his big announcement yesterday to seek four more years and the plan was most popular with white voters and Republicans.

Meanwhile, Bloomberg didn’t waste any time launching into campaign mode and said today on his radio show that the only poll that matters will be the one taken in November 2009.

He defended his plan against critics who call it undemocratic and was confident it will beat any opposition in court.

Bloomberg’s approval rating on the poll of 1,316 voters hit 79%.

(Source: NY Daily News)

5 Responses

  1. To lovebp:
    Obviously, your vote wouldn’t have made a difference. What’s the matter, you’ve been parking illegally and couldn’t handle the tickets? Ha ha ha!

  2. It is unfair that while the people have voted about term limits and Bloom-Berg ( Tax-Berg ) wants to take away that vote with the excuse that the city is in a need for him because the financial crises. A) He is talking about a 3rd term before the current crises. B) He doubled the budget from 30 Billion to 61 Billion in the last six years while crying the city is facing a deficit and kept on raising taxes while people don’t earn that much more. Now every body in the city is in crises and wants to raise taxes again ???

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