“Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s plan to extend term limits is simply a bad idea at a bad time. It is also just plain, in-your-face bad democracy to overturn the will of the people. The voters of New York City exercised their franchise and sent a clear message that they were in favor of term limits. To brazenly push them aside and attempt to silence their voices is not what we should do as elected officials.
Furthermore, the Mayor’s argument that he is the right person to take the City through the current economic crisis is flawed to its core. The fact is that Mayor Bloomberg had seven years to spin his self-taught financial wheel of fortune to strengthen the capital market in order to prepare this city for a downturn in the economy. But he failed to do so and the collapse of Wall Street happened on his watch. Once again the Mayor has continually failed the people of New York City who he now wants to give him four more years in office.
His administration is one with a documented legacy of failure and so there is no justification for rewarding him. Therefore, I am calling on the City Council to do the right thing and not even bring this Bill to a vote.”
(YWN Desk – NYC)
10 Responses
Bloomberg’s Plan to Extend Term Limits
should be stopped
There should be a limit to his chutzpa
Who does he think he is….
Parker is just plain wrong.
The people who seek to replace Bloomberg are even worse than him on the moral issues, and they are incapable of “making the trains run on time.”
We didn’t change it after 9/11 to keep Rudy which would have been a good idea. Why should we change it for this guy?
whether right or wrong he just wants to get the elections!
Who cares what Kevin Parker’s position is? Will he be voting on the plan??
New Yorkers are a special breed. they have to be allowed to be the New Yorkers that they are. Mr. Bloomberg has imposed regulations and enforcement policies that have New Yorkers constantly busy dodging all the various City agencies that have been unleashed under his regime. Allowing him to continue will totally destroy what’s left of New York. Change is a must not a debate…
If Michael Bloomberg (yes I voted for him x2) gets his way can we call him KING MICHAEL THE 1ST?
All his gelt should not be used or allowed to be used to alter the democratic process…we have rules, they may not be perfect but we need to respect those rules.
What about getting Giuliani to ruin for Mayor next year? After 8 years of Mayor Bloomberg, it’s time to straighten things out.
Why are you printing this?????????
This statement by Kevin Parker is not based on merits. It is only his way of getting back at Bloomberg for supporting his opponent Simcha Felder.