Info Boards for NYC Subway Platforms Delayed Until 2011

nyc subway1.jpgNew York City subway riders will have to wait until at least 2011 before electronic message boards that display train arrival times are installed at 152 stations.

The $185 million project is supposed to bring the message boards to stations along the Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 lines. But software and technical glitches have stalled the effort.

The boards are functioning – in a pilot program – on the L line between Brooklyn and Manhattan.

Other projects intended to give the subway system a high-tech overhaul are behind schedule, including bus tracking and computer-operated trains.

(Source: Associated Press)

2 Responses

  1. This will probably not done. The MTA will continue to raise the fares and the money will go to the MTA executives pockets and leave the NYC subway system the same way it is!

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