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Man Makes $1 Million Pledge at Bonei Olam Flatbush Dinner

boo1.jpgJust a few moments ago, a man stood up at tonight’s Bonei Olam Inaugural Flatbush Dinner and pledged a whopping one million dollars to the organization, stunning the massive crowd. Eyewitnesses tell YWN that the crowd (estimated to be close to two thousand people) gave the man – the owner the new 20,000 square-foot Pomegranate store in Flatbush – a standing ovation. “People stood up for more than two minutes and cheered and clapped for Mr. Abraham Bander after he made his pledge”, Shmuel Brody told YWN. “It was an unforgettable site to see”.

A detailed report on this amazing act of Tzedakah, the dinner taking place at the El Caribe Ballroom, along with photos will be forthcoming.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)

47 Responses

  1. I don’t mean to diminish Mr. Bander’s benevolent and generous pledge, but was it necessary to stand up and do it in front of two thousand people? Instead of grandstanding, couldn’t it have been done in a less grandiose manner i.e. anonymously? I will give him dan l’kav zechut, and think that he was trying to inspire others to give to the tzedaka.

  2. #4 and #5 just look at what this person did and say wow he’s special !!!!! For someone to give a lot of money like that just say unbelievable and u hope he never needs bonei oloms help

  3. #5

    My G-d. The man pledges a million dollars and you’ve got to be the first one to shoot a hole in his chesed. What kind of insecure letz are you?

  4. 1) his name is Avrom Yida Bandau.
    2) He’s a well known Nuged from Williamsburg, who’s giving a year a lot of money for Tzdukah.
    3) he proved a lot in the last few years with donating & giving big money, small example: he gave a huge amou of money for the NEW Satmara Mosdes in Williamsburg, where he’s also the Yoshev Rosh Vaad Keren HaBinyan of the Talmud Torah HaChudesh D’Yeshiva Torah V’Yirah D’Rabeiny Yoel M’Satmar on Wythe Ave. in Williamsburg.

    whatever, we wish him lots of Hatzlucha in heis just opened beautiful mega store. & a bunch of Nachas from his Kinderlach & he should be able to give more & help out other people.

    May HaShem bless us all that we shouldn’t have to go to Boinei Oilom.

  5. #5 – He did it so that others will also want to give – same idea by an appeal – I will go tomorrow morning to pomegranate and do all my shopping there for yom tov!

  6. #5 I think your comment is totally uncalled for. This is the type of action we need in Klal Yisrael. Is it right to throw cold water on it?
    As a godol (or even a koton) can tell you, getting honored for doing a great deed is MUTAR GAMUR and is to be encouraged NOT DIScouraged.

  7. #5, how can you question or criticize someone after doing something like this? Also, maybe you have a different style of giving a million dollars to tzedakah, but this was his. And it can serve a purpose too, to encourage others to give too when they see someone proudly stand up and open their pockets so wide.

  8. #7 My father was at the dinner he told me that Mr. Banda said in his speech that it took him like five years to have his first kid. Now you know why he’s such a supporter of Bonei Olam.

  9. wow………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

  10. #7,#8 and #11, you still have not told me a meritorious and halachically permissible reason why it was appropriate for him to make the pledge the way he did. Could he have accomplished the same thing anonymously? Would our gedolim, if they had the financial wherewithal, have done it the same way? Also, who says that pledging in public and identifying yourself as the donor, is appropriate and not an act of baal ga’avah? Just some food for thought. Please don’t lower yourself and call people names because you do not agree with their points. I have friends who spent their life savings attemting to have a child. They could not buy a home because of the high cost of the treatment. Boruch hashem they now have two children. I hope his donation can help others with their struggle to have children.

  11. ותשובה ותפלה וצדקה מעבירין את רוע הגזירה
    ציון במשפט תפדה ושביה בצדקה

  12. This is great now but what about in the years to come? In the future generations since everyone will be learning in kollel, who will be giving all this tzedakeh?

  13. There was a Bandau from Willi years ago who was a very successful Shadchan, any relation?

    Kol Hakovod to this guy, may he be Zoiche to Brochos ‘Ad Bli Dy’

  14. # 5 can you say such a thing? Are you jealous of his wealth? Are you upset at him for some reason? If you want to be dan l’kav zechut, then please don’t share with us those dark feelings you have. It seems as if a person cant do a good deed these days without someone saying something negative.

  15. שנה טובה
    מתוקה ומבורכת.
    יהי רצון שתחל שנה וברכותיה בבשורות טובות ישועות ונחמות, בריאות, פרנסה, נחת ושלוה לעם ישראל ולכל אוהבי ה’.

    A Happy Good Sweet Year
    May it be Hashem’s will that this year bring blessings, joy, success and consolation, health, wealth, Nachat and peace, upon those that follow Hashem .

  16. I once heard a speech at another Bonei Olam event where a man was also so inspired he wanted to pledge 1 million dollars. So he asked R’ Shloime Bochner, may he be gebenched, if he should do it anonymously or birabim then and there-
    he was told to get up there and tell the entire crowd just how inspired he was and that he will give 1 million so that he can inspire others as well!! A separate account was made with that money and it has helped out so many young couples!!!! This is the most fantastic thing!
    So #5, I think you should think a little before writing your comments.

  17. to bring reiyo where it states one should not give tzedaka in public FOR A MOSOD OR ORGANIZATION. we’re not talking about giving for private needy , which the halacha says the biggest madraigah is the giver and the reciever shouldnt know each other.and if there is a godol who will give anonyously does not make it assur. are you jellous you dont have so much ?

  18. #5

    Does it bother you when you see people putting mutimillion dollar homes? Do you think it’s money well spent? Everyone sees it day and night and it KILLS people! It eats them up causes immense jealousy and terrible shalom bayis issues.
    May you have the ability to give a million dollars one day and when you have the money you should have the guts to part with it and give it to tzedakah. Trust me it aint easy.
    Then you wouldn’t have to remain anonymous anymore.

  19. Gedolim have their personal checks advertised by certain orginazations so that people can can see that even people like them with limited means give a large amount to certain tzedekas. I remember one particular campaign where they showed the generous checks of R’ Elyashiv, R’ Nissim Karelitz, R’ Chaim Kanievsky, R’ Shteinman, and others.

  20. We daven each Shabbos mevorchim for “Chaim Shel Osher V’Chavod”. The Meforshim explain that when it comes to your “Osher”- wealth, dont all of a sudden be humble and shy away from giving Tzedakah because people will say you are doing so for Gaavah. Rather do it publicly and loudly to teac others how to give! When it comes to using your Osher correctly, it needs to come together with Kavod!

    Kol HaKavod to Mr. Bandau and he deserves that we in Flatbush should shop in his new establishment so he can continue doing good deeds with his profits!

    Kesiva Vchasima Tova to all of Klal Yisroel.

  21. If the money Mr. Bander donated last night helps to bring even more more Jewish child into this world, it is as if he saved the world. Surely he will inspire others as well.

    The entire reason behind fundraising dinners is to inspire people to give. Do any of us really want to sit through a dinner, AKA the rubber chicken circuit, for any other reason then to show support for the organization for which we’re attending? Similiarly, we might be attending to salute honorees who’ve given generously.

  22. I was still debating where to do my massive Yom Tov shopping . I just read this article, and I’m off to Pomegranate. This man is selfless, and deserves to receive his money back 100 times over, so he can continue giving to such worthwhile organizations. It’s really uplifting to know there is such chesed around . Kudos!!!

  23. R’ Yeruchom Levovitz ZT”L said “Big people do small actons big, and small people do big actions small” – meaning that even the small actions of a big person are done in a great way (e.g. doing a favor for ones spouse) and even the big actions of small people are done in a small way (e.g. huge donations for the name on the building etc.) – But who are we to say what the intentions were in this great action?

  24. To #5. As a Mekimi Volunteer I know even more about Mr. Banda’s Tzedokos, knowing that he supports and sponsors many Mekimi events. He is a special person and “Mefarsemin Oisei Mitzvoh”. When you do your shopping in Pomegranate You should know that you are helping a good friend of yours that is struggling with Infertility challenges. And you are helping a family member of close one that is struggling with a child fighting cancer or other long term life threatening illness So go out and support the Yiden that are in the dark, through shopping by our Proud Supporter Mr. Banda. Our friends need his support! Let’s help him give it to them.

    And To The Big anonymous Talmid Chochom from #5. Maybe if you know how to do Mitzvos GO AND LEARN AGAIN THE MITTZVA OF “HOCHAIACH TOICHIACH ES AMISECHU”. The way to say Musar is not by Posting it on YWN. Just “Besaser”. You can call him up and tell him what you want to tell him. So stop telling others how to do Mitzvos If you don’t know how to do your “Mitzvos”

  25. Dear Reb or perhaps Rebetzin Anonymous (#5),
    What a beautiful story YW has reported about the incredible organization of Bonei Olam. If you have something kind and sweet to say ,please share it with us. If the story rubs you the wrong way, why not hold your fire and say nothing. I pray that the L-rd help us see the positive in people.

  26. An awsome dinner, a Real Kiddush Hashem. Powerful words which came straight from the heart. Mr. Bamda is a Tzaddik who is mechazek others to give tzedakah. His public pledge gives Klal Yisroel an incentive to follow. May he be zohe to a Good Year with lots & lots of hatzlocha in all his endeavors. May Hakodesh Boruch Hu give him gezunt & parnasha with Harchova so that he can contiue to give tzedakh to all who need. May we all be zoche to greet Moshiach this year.

  27. Just a reminder that a poor person earning $30,000 a year that gives his maaser is worth alot more than a g’vir earning $30,000,000 giving $3,000,000.

    I’m not saying thats the case here but lets not lose sight of true dedication.

  28. #5 ORIGINAL IDEA FOR YWN maybe the moderator assigned to reviewing the posts should regect such comments such as yours #5. YWN is a nice place for frum jews to visit. there are other places where anonymous’s comments would be welcome because these kind of comments (and the ones that follow to argue) bring more people to the website who are eager to see action. YWN visitors/subscribers are many BH, and the website will grow IYH without this type of ‘action’.YWN is a choshuva place, an oasis of good in the sea of lh gossip etc found elsewhere at ‘jewish”frum’websites. YWN acts with daas torah and is not a trashy place. a place we come for good clean news ,a place with many zechuyos bringing the news we want to us so we dont have to go and get it elsewhere.

  29. Mr. Banda is concerned with his friends gashmiyus and #5 Mr Anonymous is concerned about his friends ruchnius. In my opinion, klal yisroel will be much better served with more people like Mr Banda. – Besides, we already have so many people that are already worrying about everyone elses ruchnius.

  30. WOW, it is amazing that he pledged that amount Kol Hakavod! May he always be on the giving end. I think anyone that has been blessed with children owes tzeddakah to Bonei Olam as a thanks to Hashem that for witnessing the miracle!!

  31. #43 thank you
    i wish that more people like you would kindly ask YWN to make the step and make this site even more worthy of the word YESHIVA for all that it stands for! it will only make the site more popular

  32. For those who would suggest that Mr. Bandau’s motivation for giving so much and making a public announcement was to promote his business, we should throw that thought out of our minds. Whatever one’s motivation in doing a mitzvah, a mitzvah done for the wrong reasons is still praise worthy because it leads to mitzvahs done for the right reasons. And for those who fear that now Mr. Bandau won’t have money left over for other charities, perhaps his generosity to one charity will inspire others to give just as lavishly to another, whereas they would not have without his inspiration.

  33. hey #5, very nice comment. In the zechut of Mr. Bandau’s MAGNIFICENT generosity may YOU merit a REFUAH SHELEIMA.
    #38 – What about a guy who makes $2.5 million and gives away $1.5 million? Would you call that “true dedication”? hmmmm…
    So before you post a comment about “not losing sight etc….” I would like to know, are YOU his accountant? You state “I’m not saying that’s the case here…” so WHAT exactly are you saying? Just stam hocking because YOU’RE BORED????
    Go pick up a Tehillim if you have nothing constructive to do (or say).

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