Hate Crime in Williamsburg

wspu11.jpgWilliamsburg Shomrim and the NYPD are currently on the scene at 70 Clymer Street investigating swastikas which were found on the elevator of the building. Shomrim units tell YWN that the Captain from NYPD Housing Division is currently on the scene, and are awaiting the arrival of detectives from the NYPD Hate Crimes Units.

Just last week swastikas were found spray-painted at 789 Bedford Avenue – a building under construction in Williamsburg. No arrests were made in that incident.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)

4 Responses

  1. Oh come on, what’s the big deal? In Europe we see swastikas so often in all cities. In Israel you’ll find them also; take a walk around Petach Tikvah’s central bus station, for example.

    Anyway, yasher koach to the NYPD for spending such an incredible amount of attention on these issues. Though I’m sure that if it happens tens of times daily, nobody will care any more.

    In Holland, the Czech Republic, Germsny, France or Belgium, and I suppose in other countries such as the UK also, you see swastikas daily. They get painted on shuls every so often as well.

  2. that address where the swastikas were painted on the elevator rings a bell. is that where the kid fell down the elevator shaft and died r”l?

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