Lazar to Run Against Felder?

jl1.jpgJoe Lazar, a first-time candidate for public office and a retired government employee, told the New York Sun in an exclusive today that he intends to run against incumbent Councilman Simcha Felder if term limits are extended. “I have every reason to continue running, no matter what happens,” Mr. Lazar told the New York Sun. Of all the candidates interviewed by the New York Sun, Joe Lazar was the only candidate in New York City who went on record as actively opposing an incumbent member of the city council.

In contrast, the other candidate for this council seat, community activist and attorney David Greenfield said “Councilman Simcha Felder has done an outstanding job as our representative in the city council. If term limits are extended I will do everything I can to ensure that Simcha is re-elected.”

Joe’s comments are startling considering that in Felder’s most recent race just weeks ago, Felder won 96% of the vote in Boro Park. This is despite the fact that Assemblyman Dov Hikind supported his opponent, Kevin Parker. Assemblyman Hikind is also supporting Joe Lazar. One political expert that YWN contacted said that “it is the height of arrogance for a first-time candidate who is not known in the community to think that he can defeat a popular incumbent.” The observer predicted that Lazar would be soundly defeated at the polls ending his nascent political career.

Political observers are split on whether or not term limits will actually be extended to a third-term. The public has voted twice to keep the two-term limits on members of New York City government including the City Council and Mayor. However, in a recent survey, a majority of the City Council said that they would approve a third-term extension on their own. Ultimately, the fate of a possible third-term is in the hands of Mayor Michael Bloomberg who has been unwilling to commit to signing legislation that would extend term limits.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

6 Responses

  1. Hikind backed Parker because Felder entered the race after Hikind had already pledged his support to Parker. Why in the world would Hikind not support Felder if he ran for re-election?!?!?!

  2. I thought YWN had a better sense of morality.
    “one political analyst”? Gordon that’s a new low, if someone bashes someone else, at least name them, or don’t mention them.
    I’ve got money that says you don’t have a political expert you just wanted to engage in a piece of political propaganda.
    YWN I am disappointed in you. There is absolutely no reason to make a shameful attack on a candidate like this especially in Elul. Whether or not you vote for Lazar, it isn’t arrogance to run against an incumbent, it’s courage. And as someone who’s worked with Lazar in the mental health field, he was more than a simple “employeee”
    Shame on Gordon and YWN for posting trash like this. I can go to the Daily News if I wanted to hear a fellow Jew insulted.
    I thought YWN stood for more.

  3. I want to applaud Mr. Gordon for the terrific article that he has written. Exactly because its Elul, we cannot allow Joe Lazar to spread sinas chinum. His comments about a fellow Jew were inappropriate and uncalled for.
    Simcha Felder is a great askan and we should support him wholeheartedly.

  4. Joe Yeshivish – The sanctity of marriage and pro life are not issues that come before the New York City Council. They deal with local services, budgets, taxes and street namings.

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