Hatzalah of Miami-Dade Announces Their First Training Class

mhvacn.jpgThe Jewish community of Miami-Dade County is pleased to announce the formation of Hatzalah of Miami-Dade for the members and visitors of our community.  This vital Jewish organization is the result of many months of intense effort on the part of several community members as well as the Orthodox Rabbinical Council of South Florida, who will oversee its formation and operation.

The current plan is to initiate Hatzalah Services in Aventura and North Miami Beach, and to expand this service to the other local communities in the future.

Hatzalah of Miami-Dade is being established to provide immediate emergency medical care until local EMS resources can arrive on scene. Hatzalah is designed to take advantage of those few precious minutes during which immediate and proper care may mean the difference between a patients surviving or not. Although our local Fire Rescue Department provides top-notch care, they may not be in a position to respond within those crucial first few minutes. Since our volunteers are local and spread through out the communities, our Hatzalah volunteers will often be there within minutes of the call coming in to our dispatchers. Our goal is to have an average on-scene arrival of less than two minutes.

Hatzalah of Miami-Dade is proud to be the only Hatzalah organization in Florida affiliated with Chevra Hatzalah of New York. Affiliation with Chevra Hatzalah means that in using the name of Hatzalah™ (regardless of spelling) one is agreeing to abide by standards of operation of Chevra Hatzalah. Hatzalah of Miami-Dade is grateful for the continued support and guidance of Rabbi Mechel Handler and Heshy Jacob, of Central Hatzalah, as well as several other Hatzalah branches through out the United States.

The first Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) training class is scheduled to begin shortly after Sukkot. If you would like to join us as emergency responders or dispatchers please contact us for additional information.

Hatzalah of Miami-Dade
305-490-5274 [email protected]

(YWFL-18 / YWFL-113)

6 Responses

  1. May there services only be needed in simcha (child birth), and may all the people involved in arranging this amazing organization in Florida have many Zechusim.

  2. As someone who grew up in Miami and has since moved elsewhere I was a bit suprised with this news. I remember, in my times, how fast the Miami Dade Fire Department was that when talks came up to establish Hatzalah, it was determined that there was no need to be matriach anyone when the local FD had one of the best response times in the country! (In fact I remember clearly, once someone was walking to shul and collapsed on 9th Ave, just down the block from the Young Israel. One person ran in to someone’s house and called 911, a second person ran down the block to get a dr. from the shul. THE FIRST RESPONDERS ARRIVED AT THE SAME TIMES AS THE DR. DOWN THE BLOCK!) I hope this formation of Hatzalah does not indicate that the 911 response time has gotten worse in Miami.

    Hatzlacha and yasher koach!

  3. no nonsense- as you Noticed there have been major cuts in the budget & as a result many positions have been cut and response time has been an average of 8-12 minutes .which by all standards is unacceptable , for that reason the need is there

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