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Italian PM Compares Ahmadinejad to Hitler, Foreign Ministry Blasts Comments

ipm.jpgAccording to a report by the EJP, Italy’s Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi compared Iranian President Ahmadinejad to Adolf Hitler at an award ceremony in Paris.

Speaking in the French capital last week a dinner where he received an award from the Keren Hayesod-United Israel Appeal in France, Berlusconi was quoted as saying in a reference to Ahmadinejad :”We must all be extremely wary of the lunacy of those who say, even if only for domestic political reasons, that Israel must be wiped off the world map.”

Referring to Hitler, he said, ”We don’t believe such things are real, but there has already been a certain gentleman who started off as a democrat but who went on to do what he did.”

At the ceremony, the Italian Prime Minister reiterated his support for Israel.
”I’ve always been, I would say naturally, a friend of Israel,” he said. ”In my childhood I had Jewish friends who I loved and who loved me back. Then I visited Auschwitz and in that moment I felt Israeli, too.”

A spokesman for the Iranian foreign ministry, Hassan Qashqavi, called Berlusconi’s comments “absurd”.
“He has made such comments in the past, and they lack any logic and the high values of the Italian people and culture,” Qashqavi said.
He also criticised Berlusconi for “defending the Zionist criminals whose hands bear the blood of thousands of Palestinian children, women and people”.

(Source: EJP)

26 Responses

  1. Berlusconi is correct.

    Just a comment, there are little similarities between Bush and Berlusconi. Bush is hated because he is a scoundrel and if I were to forgive him for his countless sneaky episodes, for two instances alone, he is worthy of contempt. 9/11 and Black Wednesday happened on his watch. He is the worst president of all time with Nixon and Carter running a close second.

    Before I am pigeonholed as a lib, I voted for Bush, which I sorely regret, and I was a Guiliani man. I am an admirer of the writings of William F Buckley, Jr., George Will, and admire the ideas of media personalities Bob Grant and Michael Savage.

    Heaven help us with the two candidates we have now. I will not bend over backwards to fake that McCain is a better of the two evils. He is a lame politician.

  2. To # 5 – “veryinteresting”

    I think you need to see a dr. You rant on, without making any sense. The problem is that many from “outside our community” also view this site, and may think that your views are those of all of us.
    So, Please GET HELP!!!

  3. BS”D

    IIRC right after 9/11, Berlusconi was the only one to come out and tell the truth – that we (the West) have civilization and they (the Muslims) don’t.

    Viva Berlusconi! Forza Italia! Quest’Ahmadinejad dal cazzo e’un proprio stronzo!

  4. Absolutely right, Mr. Berlusconi. Berlusconi’s one of the only few sensible ones left in Europe. Says it like it is at a time when people are more concerned about being politically correct than anything else.

  5. Dear veryinteresting:it’s very interesting that in a few sentences of drivel you manage to use the word “I” no less than 7 times! Apparently you have a misplaced sense of self importance!

  6. veryinteresting – Just a quick note as you plan your vote for Obama. The path to 9/11 was paved by William J. Clinton and his non-actions in response to terrorism i.e. TWC bombing in ’93 by Muslims, 1998 Embassy bombings and 2000 Cole bombing, giving terrorsits the idea America will passively sit by. Bus was in office a mere 7 months after 8 years of Clintonian inaction vis-a-vis terrorism.

    Silvio Berlusconi is the idealogical twin of the Republican party.

  7. Your title “Foreign Ministry Blasts Comments” is non-country specific, and at first glance looks like either the Italian or Israeli foreign ministry blasted his comments. Please use clearer language.

  8. To Very Interesting:
    In your diatribe against Bush you state “Heaven help us” If you really are a member of the Yeshiva World then may Heaven help us from individuals like you with your warped opinions.

  9. To #6 – DaasTorahWtchdog.

    With all due respect, someone does not need to see a doctor because their genuine opinion strikes a dissonant chord with your own. That is being a bit narcissistic and immature.

    I am aware that many from outside our community view this site. Should one tailor their opinion to meet acceptable criteria for whomever you imagine to be out there? Are the “outsiders” all of the same thought about any one issue?

    While my views are not those of all of us. Neither are yours. For the sake of peace between us, let’s make an appointment together.

  10. Very Intertesting – Au contraire; Berlusconi is smarter than Bush, and more successful, but no less a “scoundrel,” taking into account his 1990 conviction on giving false testimony about his affiliation to the freemasons, a conviction voided only due an amnesty, and the fact that he has dodged on technicalities several accounting irregularity charges.

    Berlusconi is not ideolgically driven zealot – Bush is. A close relative who recently got out of the Army (U.S. Army) tells a story that was mentioned in the press only in passing – Before the invasion of Iraq in 2003 the Wolfowitz-Cheney-Bush team had thousands upon thousands of little American flags sent to Kuwait – to be given by American troops to the Iraquis . . . who were just going to go nuts waving them at the Americans in rapture and joy. Military commanders objected strenuosly that the plan was farcical, and most of the GIs thought it was a bad joke. General Sanchez and others prevailed and had the idea canned – but Bush believed in it – Like the Bumpers Sticker says . . . He’s like a rock . . . only dumber.

  11. I agree with #1, #2, & #3. Silvio Berlusconi has been consistently pro-U.S. and fearlessly against Al Queda since 9/11. But we must all remember that he is a goy and the only one that can save us from that rosho in Iran is Hashem.

  12. #10, Joseph, like with many of your posts that I find wrong; yet courageously status quo, you are wrong again in assuming who I am voting for, if I do vote.

    I don’t see how I can vote. One candidate is a bit young, wet behind the ears, and comes off a little too big for his britches. The other, a hero beyond compare, has been a terrible politician.

    I may not need to vote, and I may be wrong, but it looks like Obama will be your president. This could be good in saving us from Bush 3, but, heaven forbid, he could mess up, too, big time, like all our past few presidents.

    And to “An Alter Yid”, calm down and study some Shmiras Haloshon before posting. Other opinions in arenas not Torah should not be such a threat to you where you have to stand in judgment on who is a valid Jew. Right?

  13. Joseph – I’ll take a bet, irrespective of anyone’s prior predictions – and having nothing at all to do with any of our preferences . . . History teaches me that the economic situation we are heading into is going to make a Democratic win substantial. This is ooking more and more to be at least least 1992, and maybe even, chas v’shalom, 1932 revisited. It is hard this week to argue other than that the rather extreme laissez-faire and deregulatory policies that the Republicans have long espoused, including McCain until last week, have got us into quite a pickle. And remember, Joseph, it was the “big government” New Deal and “bigger government” WWII . . . and Democrats. . .that got us out of the Depression. But it’s a free country, and people differ. So, go vote for Hoover . . uh . . I mean . . McCain if you think that’s the way to go.

  14. BS”D

    The war, not the New Deal, got the US out of the depression, and we are still paying for the socialist policies of the New Deal to this very day. The New Deal was the end of the work ethic and the beginning of “what can my country do for me”. It led to the social decay of the 60’s – the 60’s radicals were children of Roosevelt Democrats, sadly often Yidden.

    The Federal Reserve, independent and non-partisan, caused much of the problem in 1929 and much of the problem today.

  15. blaming 9 11 on bush is basically saying that god had nothing to do with it simply because if god was behind it ,it wouldnt really matter whos in office ,right? a gezeira is a gezeira.

  16. Joseph – OK, he may win. Either way I am not too hopeful for the leadership ability of either candidate. Maybe the GOP ticket would be better served if they flipped the ticket to Palin/McCain, certainly in terms of consistency in values.

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