YWN regrets to inform you of the petira of HaRav Shimon (Shimmy) Betzalel ben Reb Mordechai Yitzchok Edelstein Z”L. He was 52 years old.
Reb Shimmy, a lifelong Flatbush resident, was a gifted talmid chochom with an extraordinary mastery of Torah. He learned in Yeshiva Torah Temimah and was one of the prized talmidim of Hagaon HaRav Shlomo Feivel Schustal. A true ilui, he possessed a phenomenal bekius in Shas—both Bavli and Yerushalmi—as well as in Poskim, able to quote entire passages verbatim. Though he worked as an attorney to provide for his family, his true passion and essence were entirely devoted to Limud HaTorah. Every free moment was spent immersed in learning.
For over 20 years, Reb Shimmy davened with his family at Khal Kol Torah, where he served as a baal koreh and delivered shiurim in place of the Mora D’asra, Hagaon HaRav Lipa Geldwirth, when he was away for Shabbos (Minchas Chnuch, and Or HaChayim Hakadosh). He gave a weekly shiur in Orach HaShulchan every Sunday morning and was a beloved storyteller at Avos U’banim each Motzei Shabbos, bringing the stories of Tanach to life for young children.
His brilliance in Torah was widely recognized. On one occasion, when the late Mirrer Rosh Yeshiva, Hagaon HaRav Shmuel Berenbaum ZT”L, delivered a shiur at his shul, Reb Shimmy posed a profound question. The Rosh Yeshiva paused in astonishment, contemplating before answering. Later, as he left, he turned to his driver and asked in admiration, “Ver is der yungerman vus hut gefregt a ga’onishe shaila?” (“Who is that young man who asked such a genius question?”).
Reb Shimmy leaves a mother, siblings, a devoted wife—an incredible baalas chesed—and children who are masmidim, bnei Torah, and baalei chesed, following in his footsteps.
The levaya will take place today, Monday, at 11:30 AM at Shomrei Hadas.
Yehi Zichro Baruch.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
2 Responses
Oy nebech! Oy nebech!
Shimmy lost his father a”h tragically and also at a young age. His poor mother!
May the רבש”ע be מנחם her as only He can.
Genoog Tzaros Hashem! Genoog!
Not only did shimmy lose his father but also his brother in law Luzy stienmiitz ah who was a tzadik of a yid as well. May they both be a gita beta and may Hashem give shimmy mother the koach to withstand all the tzaros.
Here is a first lhand eyewitness story told to me
i remember he once asked rav pam kasha on the YOREH DEI’AH shiur and rav pam spent long time being miayin in shimons kasha i came to rav pam to ask him shailoh that afternoon r pam said he cant answer now too because he is too busy with shimons kasha