Watch HaRav Amnon Yitzchak Live

ay.jpg8:00PM EST: Close to 18,000 people are gathered at Nassau Coliseum to be inspired by the renowned HaRav Amnon Yitzchak Shlita. More than a million people are expected to participate via live broadcasts around the world. Click HERE to watch the event live.

18 Responses

  1. I can see and hear. What a beautiful display of achdus! Can someone who knows hebrew help the rest of us out by posting the main points that Rabbi Amnon Yitchok is saying?

  2. Snorefest! just looking at the faces of the crowd makes you tired.
    Somehow I think people were expecting more of a “show”.
    He said all it takes is for 1 million people to each make one person chozer batshuva..that would be 1 Million new baali teshuva. Halivai…although I did feel like it was a MLM pitch.

  3. #11: I really dont see how comments like that are helpful. If you find it boring then don’t watch. Facts are he has made almost 1 million Baalei Teshuva in Israel. Have some respect.

  4. THANK YOU, Yeshiva World, for bringing this to all of us! Let us take this feeling of achdus so palpable in the coliseum and bring it back to all our communities around the world! We the people will bring the geula with this beautiful achdus that Hashem treasures MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE!!!

  5. Chasday Hashem. Thank you Yeshiva World for bringing this to those of us who are nowhere near NY. What a gift. Technology used lshaim shamayim. Kesiva vchaseema tova to all.

  6. #13..not to start a back and forth..firstly kol hakavod for him, I happen to enjoy his style. However the number 1 million that he said was over 30 years and he didn’t attribute it to himself, he just said in all of eretz yisroel there has been 1 million chozrim b’tsuva. Lev Lachim, Chinuch Atzmoi, Arachim and others all are equally out in front doing Hashems work. May we all be zoche to truly be chozer b’tshuva and hopefully be mashpiah those around us who we interact with.

  7. #11 gater you must have some issues with i dont know what. be positive -no one has accomplished nearly what he has with israeli baalei teshuva

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