TORONTO ANTISEMITE ARRESTED: Amir Arvahi Azar Detained For Advocating Genocide, Firebombing Jewish Sites

Toronto police have charged a local man with 29 criminal offenses, including Advocating Genocide and Willful Promotion of Hatred, in what authorities are calling one of the most egregious hate crime cases in Canada’s history.

The charges, approved by the Ministry of the Attorney General, highlight a series of alleged hate-fueled attacks that have sent shockwaves through Toronto’s Jewish community. The offenses, spanning from April 26, 2024, to January 3, 2025, reportedly include arson, vandalism, and direct threats targeting Jewish institutions and individuals.

The accused, 32-year-old Amir Arvahi Azar, was arrested earlier this year after an intensive investigation led by the Toronto Police Service Hate Crime Unit. Authorities allege that Azar was involved in multiple acts of destruction, including setting fires and defacing cultural properties, as well as illegally possessing firearms and other weapons.

Among the 29 charges, some of the most severe include five counts of arson, seven counts of mischief to cultural property, three counts of possession of a restricted or prohibited firearm without a license, and possession of a firearm with an altered serial number. Police have remained tight-lipped on further details due to a court-imposed publication ban, but law enforcement sources suggest the crimes were part of a broader pattern of targeted antisemitic attacks.

Deputy Chief Robert Johnson addressed the media, underscoring the gravity of the case. “This isn’t just about criminal acts—it’s about a dangerous spread of hate that threatens our entire society,” he said. “There is a direct link between hateful rhetoric and real-world violence, and that is why we take these crimes so seriously.” Johnson noted that advocating genocide is one of the rarest charges laid in Canada and is indicative of the severity of the case.

Despite the staggering list of charges, Azar was granted bail following a court hearing and appeared at the Ontario Court of Justice on Monday. His release has sparked widespread outrage, particularly among Jewish organizations and community leaders, who have demanded explanations as to why a suspect accused of such serious hate-motivated crimes was allowed back into the public.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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