MONSEY HERO! Meir Efraim Turner, Man With Special-Needs, Raises $10,500 In Loose Change For Tzedakah

Most of us have spent time in the emergency room or hospital with a loved one. As the hours tick by, we go to the hospital’s Kosher Hospitality Room to grab a hot drink, a sandwich, nosh, or something to read. We are very thankful that one of our haimishe organizations provides this vital service for our community.
Perhaps we even bless the generous gvir that donated the money for the food that is giving us the strength to go on. But did you know that the one funding all of those necessities is actually a young man with special needs?

Meir Efraim Turner is a wheelchair bound young man born with Cerebral Palsy who can barely speak, yet his heart burns with desire to help his fellow Jews. Having undergone many hospitalizations himself, he undertook a lifelong mission to help cholei Yisroel and their families in every way that he can. You have seen him doing his rounds in Monsey daily, rain or shine, in shul, in stores, and at the Rivnitzer, shaking his homemade pushka and collecting small change, dollar bills, and OJCs. This special ba’al chesed is the one who supports Chesed 24/7 of New Square’s kosher hospitality rooms in 24 Tri-State area hospitals, making life easier for patients and their families.


The son of an active Hatzoloh member, he constantly hears the emergency calls dispatched on the Hatzoloh radio. He knows that thanks to his hard work collecting tzedakah for Chesed 24/7 of New Square, every time the ambulance rolls, the patient and their families will have kosher food and drink, sefarim, reading material, tallis & tefillin, and even grape juice, challah, or Pesach matzoh available at the hospital.

Meir Efraim also proudly runs the local branch of the Chesed 24/7 of New Square’s Medicine Chest in our home. This service provides necessary over-the-counter medications on Shabbos and Yom Tov in various Rockland County locations when people cannot get to a store.

Every year on Purim evening, Meir Efraim counts the thousands of pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, dollar bills, and OJCs and personally hands over his hard earned donation to the representatives of Chesed 24/7 of New Square.

Thanks to all of you who help fill his homemade pushka with loose change, dollar bills, and OJCs, this year he donated TEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($10,500.00), bringing his total collected to over SEVENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($70.000.00)!!!

That’s quite an accomplishment for anyone—especially for a young man with special needs who cannot walk or talk. Despite being differently abled, he has accomplished what many others cannot.

Many people have even given him names of loved ones to daven for, knowing that his zechuyos give his tefilos extra power.

If he can do so much, what can you do?

Special thanks to his staff Reb Shimon Zalman Steinberg for encouraging him in his efforts and taking him where he needs to go.

And of course to all of you in the community, who generously donate with a smile. He blesses everyone that you and your families should always stay healthy, and have the ability to give generously to others.

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