With Purim here, we are preparing to fulfill the beautiful mitzvah of matanos l’evyonim, ensuring that those in need can celebrate with dignity and simcha. But just as in business, where one carefully considers where to invest for the greatest return, tzedakah should be given with the same level of thoughtfulness. After all, when giving tzedakah, the goal is not just to give—it’s to make a real impact.
That’s why this Purim, Mishkan Yosef is a tzedakah worth serious consideration. A highly regarded organization, Mishkan Yosef ensures that your donation goes directly to true aniyim, talmidei chachomim, who are struggling with basic living expenses. These are families of lomdei Torah who devote their lives to learning but are in real financial need. By supporting Mishkan Yosef, you are not just giving tzedakah—you are investing in Torah and the future of Klal Yisrael.