Bush’s $700 Billion Bailout Plan

bush new1.jpgThe Bush administration asked Congress on Saturday for the power to buy $700 billion in toxic assets clogging the financial system and threatening the economy as negotiations began on the largest bailout since the Great Depression.

The rescue plan would give Washington broad authority to purchase bad mortgage-related assets from U.S. financial institutions for the next two years. It does not specify which institutions qualify or what, if anything, the government would get in return for the unprecedented infusion.

Congressional aides and administration officials are working through the weekend to fill in the details of the proposal. The White House hoped for a deal with Congress by the time markets opened Monday; top lawmakers say they would push to enact the plan as early as the coming week.

“We’re going to work with Congress to get a bill done quickly,” President Bush said at the White House. Without discussing specifics, he said, “This is a big package because it was a big problem.”

The proposal is a mere three pages long, but it gives sweeping powers to the government to dispense gigantic sums of taxpayer dollars in a program that would be sheltered from court review.

The proposal would raise the statutory limit on the national debt from $10.6 trillion to $11.3 trillion to make room for the massive rescue.

(Associated Press)

4 Responses

  1. There are people who made fortunes on the easy mortguges. The mortguages given to people who really could not afford them caused the cost of houses to go up atificialy. Houses worth $400,000 in Midwood are valued at over $1Million today. The people who sold them made a fortune. Now we the people must pay for their windfall. The goverment should let the price of housing fall back to there real value.

  2. Except for financial services industry, the American economy is strong. Agriculture is booming. Manufacturing is increasing as export climb (except for states with idiotic labor policies such as Michigan).

    We should stop having nightmares about America in 1932, and have nighmares about Germany in 1923.

  3. $700,000,000,000.00 (yes that is what $700 billion looks like ) if he could just ad on another $250,000.00 to pay off my mortgage no body would even notice and i would be forever gratefull to the american taxpayer

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