CRISIS UNFOLDING: Monsey Mosdos Administrators Hold Emergency Meeting to Address Financial Crisis

Facing mounting financial difficulties, administrators of Monsey’s mosdos held an urgent meeting on Wednesday afternoon, to discuss the worsening economic strain that is making it increasingly difficult to meet payroll obligations and cover operational expenses.

As the cost of living continues to rise and financial challenges weigh heavily on the broader community, local yeshivos and mosdos are experiencing unprecedented struggles to sustain themselves. Many administrators expressed concerns about their ability to pay rebbeim, teachers, and staff on time, warning that without immediate intervention, institutions may be forced to make difficult decisions.

“The financial burden on mosdos has reached a breaking point,” one administrator told YWN. “We are doing everything possible to keep our schools running, but when payroll is at risk, it becomes an emergency.”

During the meeting, administrators examined the root causes of the crisis, including increased operational costs, a decline in donor contributions, and economic challenges affecting families who are unable to meet tuition payments. Some yeshivos have already begun delaying payments or seeking emergency loans to stay afloat.

In an effort to find solutions, meeting participants discussed various strategies, including engaging with community leaders for additional support, and advocating for increased financial aid options.

“We recognize that our community is feeling the pressure, but the mosdos are the heart of our chinuch system,” another attendee told YWN. “Without immediate support, we fear that schools may not be able to continue operating as they do now.”

As financial uncertainty looms, administrators are urging the community to step up and assist in any way possible. Whether through increased tuition contributions, donations, or other forms of financial support, their message was clear: without swift action, Monsey’s mosdos could face an even deeper crisis in the months ahead.

Further discussions are expected in the coming weeks as leaders work to navigate this urgent situation.



(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. Where’s the GEVIRIM to save the day? I think they’re tired of being responsible for every bill just because they did well in life. Why don’t they just do what everyone else does and flood the world with their Charidy links and RayzeIt

  2. As a parent of children in a Monsey mosod, can someone help me do the math. I pay $500 tuition per month plus transportation andother expenses. There is 25 children at least in the class that makes it to 12,500 the Melamed gets about 3600 a month so they stay over with almost $9000 per class where the world does this money go for?

  3. Need to have the whole heimisha society stop raising their families with a gashmius race. And that includes spending ten thousand on streimels and wigs. You need to spend time with your kids studying Torah and teaching values. If there would be one real strong rebbe that would tell his chassidim to wear only Ten dollar streimels from a Purim store and stop crazy spending on weddings it could help the mosdas. No crazy expensive watches. You can buy a watch for sixteen dollars that works. No expensive furniture that’s costly. No more buying kids ten dollar drinks and they leave it over after two sips.

  4. Wow this is serious. The Trump’s school vouchers aren’t being honored. We are going to need to home 🏡 school.

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