A devastating accident on Route 17 has left the Vishnitzer community in mourning, claiming the life of a beloved Yungerman returning from a Vishnitzer Rebbesha chasunah in Monsey.
Sources tell YWN that R’ Mordechai Zafir Z”L, 54, and his 17-year-old son were traveling back to the Vishnitz (Gibbers) community in Kiamesha after attending the chasunah of the granddaughter of the Viznitzer Rebbe of Monsey and the grandson of the Viznitzer Rebbe of Kiamesha when tragedy struck. At approximately 1:45 AM, near exits 126/127, a wrong-way driver collided head-on with their vehicle in a fatal crash.
R’ Mordechai Z”L was tragically niftar at the scene. His son sustained serious injuries and was rushed to a Garnet Medical Center in Middletown and later transferred to Westchester Medical Center, where he remains in serious but stable condition. The tzibur is urged to daven for his refuah sheleimah—his name for Tehillim is Klonimus Kalman Yehoshua Ben Esther Malka Bracha. The driver of the other vehicle was also pronounced dead at the scene.
New York State Police have launched an investigation to determine how and why the second vehicle was traveling in the wrong direction, leading to this catastrophic crash.
Chesed Shel Emes and Misaskim volunteers have been working tirelessly at the scene throughout the night, ensuring proper kavod hames for the niftar.
UPDATE: The Levaya of Reb Mordechai Zafir Z”L, who tragically passed away in an accident this morning on the NY-17, will take place at the Viznitzer Shul in Gibbers, located at 169 Barnes Blvd, Kiamesha Lake, NY, at 11:30 AM. A second Levaya will be held at the Viznitzer Shul in Monsey at 25 Phyllis Terrace at 2:00 PM, followed by the Kevura at the Viznitzer Beis HaChaim on Route 306 in Monsey. Besuros Tovos.
(VIDEO CREDIT – Rockland Video Productions)
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
One Response
There has to be much better signage and much better lighting at the on and off ramps so that people can see where they’re going instead of ending up going the wrong way. There are too many wrong way drivers on Route 17. Obviously part of the problem is that it’s still not being treated as interstate 86, which would close, get rid of, refurbish, a lot of the questionable entrances.