MAILBAG: Egg Prices Are Putting Pesach At Peril. Here’s How To Save The Yom Tov

It’s no secret that eggs—yes, basic, essential eggs—are now hitting $9 a dozen. And with Pesach just five weeks away, the situation is only getting worse. Egg prices are expected to climb even higher. The most basic staple of our Yom Tov preparations, from cooking to baking to fulfilling minhagim, has practically become a luxury item.

And let’s be clear—this isn’t just a Jewish community problem. Every single household in America is feeling the squeeze. Every store, every shopper, every struggling family. This is a national crisis. But for our communities, where Pesach shopping is already an enormous financial burden, this could be catastrophic.

We have an opportunity. A responsibility. And the solution is staring us in the face: Where are our gevirim?

Imagine this: A pool of let’s say $10 million, created by those with the means to help, used to buy eggs in bulk at the lowest possible price. Hundreds of thousands—maybe millions—of dozens of eggs purchased directly from suppliers, cutting out the middlemen, eliminating unnecessary markups, and selling them at cost to our communities.

No profit. No markup. Purely lesheim shamayim.

Set up distribution centers in every major frum community—Lakewood, Monsey, Baltimore, Flatbush, Boro Park, Williamsburg, Crown Heights, Chicago, Florida, and beyond. Families walk in, buy what they need at cost, and walk out knowing they won’t have to choose between preparing for Pesach and paying their mortgage.

This isn’t tzedaka. This isn’t a handout. This is Klal Yisrael taking care of its own.

The market isn’t waiting. Every day, prices climb higher. If we don’t act now, the numbers are likely to only get worse. We have the resources. We have the connections. We have the ability to turn this idea into reality—but only if we move fast.

So, to the gevirim reading this: This is your moment. Step up. Make the calls. Gather the funds. Do what needs to be done. Because this Pesach, we cannot let egg prices spoil our Simchas Yom Tov.



The views expressed in this letter are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of YWN. Have an opinion you would like to share? Send it to us for review. 

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