CROWN HEIGHTS: Seven Victims Injured In Fire, Three Critical [VIDEOS & PHOTOS]

Seven victims were injured – some critically – in a fast moving fire in Crown Heights, Friday morning.

The fire broke out around 10:20 AM in a private residence, with some victims trapped inside the burning home – located at 658 Eastern Parkway near Brooklyn Avenue.

Due to the severity of the incident, and the number of patients, Hatzolah dispatched additional ambulances from Williamsburg and Flatbush to assist in the emergency response.

Sources tell YWN that three of the victims are in critical condition. One of them suffered 3rd degree burns to 75% of his body.

Victims were transported to Cornell Hospital in Manhattan, Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn, and Maimonides Hospital in Brooklyn.

The cause of the fire is unknown, and fire marshals are on the scene investigating.

Names for Tehillim will be published when they become available to YWN

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. What is going on on the roof? Seems like the firefighters were trying to remove a tarp covering the entire roof? I hope this structure was safe.

  2. שיפור נרשם במצבו של צעיר ישראלי שנפגע אנושות בשריפה ליד מרכז חב”ד העולמי בברוקלין בסוף השבוע והוא מוגדר כעת יציב, אם כי הוא עדיין מונשם ומורדם.

    שלושה פצועים נוספים מהשריפה צפויים להשתחרר מבית החולים בימים הקרובים.

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