President Donald Trump says his administration uncovered widespread financial misconduct in federal expenditures, asserting that large sums of money are being misused.
Speaking on the matter, Trump said he personally reviewed a list of 200 government expenditures and found only three to be reasonable.
“There’s no chance that there’s not kickbacks or something going on… They’re taking massive amounts of money and spending it on items. I went through a list of 200 expenditures that were made, and I found three that looked like they were reasonable.”
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
3 Responses
Hmm. How about the 20 million he charged to US taxpayers to go to the Superbowl? Or how about the $1,185 per night he charged the secret service per night for stays at Trump properties?
That is most certainly true. Note that many of are elected officials are worth hundreds of millions of dollars- and this is without inheritance, owning their own business, etc. This is on a decent salary of a couple hundred thousand but most people making that salary do not end up so filthy rich. (Nancy, chuck, Mitch, Elizabeth w, and on)
The degenerate lunatic thinks because he’s a crook everyone else is too.
Is there waste in government spending, no doubt, but the overwhelming majority of money is spent for the benefit of people, even frum people.