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Ask The Rabbi: When Moshiach Comes, What Will Happen To Jews Who Didn’t Follow Hashem’s Will?

Question: When Moshiach Comes, What Will Happen To Jews Who Didn’t Follow Hashem’s Will?

Answer: The nevi’im have seemingly conflicting reports, however, the answer is, those who know better and still choose not to be affiliated will sadly be lost. Those who don’t know better will be pulled out of the depths.

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3 Responses

  1. Someone told HaRav Nosson Wachtfogel zt”l, mashgiach of BMG, that he is not looking forward to the coming of Moshiach since he feels that he is unworthy of his presence.
    The mashgiach responded that he should realize that Eliyahu HaNavi is coming 3 days before Moshiach, precisely in order to help people like you become worthy as it says :
    ספר מלאכי פרק ג
    (כג) הנה אנכי שלח לכם את אליה הנביא לפני בוא יום השם הגדול והנורא:
    (כד) והשיב לב אבות על בנים ולב בנים על אבותם

  2. l like how asks a very general question and instead of a specific aquestion with specific answer he answer extremely vaguely So the right answer is clearly as brought in many seforim (in addition to Lubavitch) are clear that NO jew will be left behind (few exception can be asked like extreme cases yoshke, shabtzai tvzi, frank etc..) one of the main differences between Geula from Mitzrayim were 20% or even 98% of Yidden were sadly left behind the whole point of why this exile is so long is because the true Tzadikim are working so hard to make this a reality that no Jew will be left Moshiach will fix absolutely EVERYTHING & EVERYONE
    question is yes there’s free choice so how much of a part any indivual plays is up to him/her and even the Tzionim/Zionists how ever bad they were in the beginning of the State they to will do Teshuva but it could be it’ll be out of little choice of their own,

    SO in short the the answer above is mostly Wrong

    it needs sources, references, explanations from later Seforim you can’t bring any proof from Navi/Nach as that in itself needs further explanation before we even have a basic understanding of how it would apply – in short: everyone in history (with few exception as mentioned) WILL do Teshuva THE question is how much of their own free will be utilized to do that Teshuva how much will be done out of just seeing things so clearly once Moshiach is already here hope this clarifies May Hashem bring him now Amen

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